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I mean... how could we not?

We are literally in the middle of a global pandemic and everyone is turning to one thing: Contagion. This is a movie that will scare the fuck out of you if you are the type of person who recently purchased a year's supply of toilet paper.

Eric saw Contagion in theaters a few times, but his buddy Adam has never seen it. If you've never seen it either, you're in for a treat... but keep that toilet paper handy just in case.

And wash your fucking hands please. Christ.

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got drunk to watch this

Tristan Hancock

I hope you’re safe Eric, I know you live on the rode 😊

Tristan Hancock

Thank you for providing smiles in these troubling times ❤️❤️❤️


eric your hair is adorable. we stan

April Samber

Unfortunately, the stores are out so... guess I'm going to have to order my toilet paper from China.


i got drunk enough to laugh my ass off and immediately fall asleep when it was over so id say it went well.


You look like brothers

Camara Fairweather

Loved the Marion Cotillard bit so much haha


haha eric you're cute (and adam too!)


p.s. if you wanna keep up the theme, try watching "Containment". It was on the CW, just ran 1 season I believe, and is on Netflix.

William Brookes

I lost picture and sound twice within a hour, guessing its not just me? paused my netflix but didnt realise the commentary was still going

William Brookes

Ah shit, I thought my laptop died so I panicked. Fucking great commentary though ❤


funny enough, COVID 19 now has been found to cause seizures and brain hemorrhages. It is actually the main cause of death among relatively healthy adults with health problems that put them at risk. people like in their 30-40s