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Where my God-fearing fantasy-lovers at?!

Often Eric shows Jacob a movie he hasn’t seen, but the only instance we can recall of the opposite is Sky High... until now.

The Chronicles of Narnia is an incomplete series of Christian-friendly fantasy movies and we marathoned em all in one sitting. The result? We both believe in God again! Only problem? God is a lion or some shit!!!

Thanks so much for joining us on this journey. We are truly better for it and we hope the same for you (so that you can get into heaven).

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damn Susan and her lipstick for not making it this far

Lizzie .

Ngl, I can’t believe y’all actually sat through this many narnia movies.


i understand that the entire POINT is that y'all don't pay attention and you just have Seinfeldian conversations while the movie is playing, but it really doesn't pay off when you actively IGNORE what is happening on screen and then immediately accuse the movie of not explaining stuff.


Agreed! I’m actively focusing on changing that, hope you can see it in my recent solo tracks. I think once I’ve honed my skills for paying attention and having a conversation at the same time, I can keep track while everyone else goes off the rails haha


The best thing I can compare it to is the HSM tracks with Mike and Jake. You obviously really loved HSM and wanted to share it with the guys, and they just shouted over you for 3 movies and it really killed it for me. There are movies where the "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" bit works, like Spy Kids, but these weren't it chief(s). Edit: it's impossible to hit the enter key without it posting my comment(2010 facebook flashbacks) but I appreciate how interactive y'all are on twitter and patreon and please continue doing what you do.