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Why does 13 Reasons Why still exist? We don't know, and frankly we don't think the writers do either, but we're very glad it does because this season was absolutely insane and we loved it. This time around, we took it up a notch and embarked on a nationwide tour to find out who killed Bryce Walker along with you!

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Watch Us Watch | 13 Reasons Why | Season 3 - Episode 13




Connor Munroe



It's 12:30am in the UK but you best believe I'm forfeitng sleep to watch this




THE FINALE!! Also Jacobs flannel kaftan is back!

April Samber

I love how much screen time Jacob from Lost got this season.

Rachel Gray

Free, FREE AT LAST THANK GOD!! Now we can get back to watching quality shows. Go Tigers!!!!

Camara Fairweather

Amazing reactions and I was cracking up at the photography exhibition! This season has honestly been such a roller coaster of emotions. There were some scenes with incredible acting. There were some scenes with questionable writing choices. And there were a whole lot of scenes with GO TIIIIIIGERS!! 🐯


what a fucking adventure lmao thank you for the quality content as always boys now go get some well deserved rest


fantastic show you guys, hope you're getting good rest.


It wasn't a false flashback, Bryce did in fact break Zach's leg on purpose. He knew that Zach had injured that leg before which is why he went for that specific one. And when Zach throws the first punch Bryce admits that he deserved getting punched for breaking Zach's leg.


And Charlie was introduced in the beginning of the season as a sort of bystander character that's considered like a younger brother by the other characters. You see him pick up on impressions of each character and look in awe at all of them like a little brother would

Ellis Golden

I had the time of my life! Thank you so much! Btw: I DMed you, Jacob, but it may get lost in the sea of others, so I wanted to also post this! Go Tigers! -Ellis

Kathryn Deasy

I love that you guys have got me excited about a show I would otherwise despise, its so easy to be invested with you lmao

Katie Holmes

i had an amazing time at your show guys!!! cannot wait for the next tour i will literally travel the country if that's what it takes

Span King Monkeys

SPOILER ALERT FOR ANYONE READING THE COMMENTS WITHOUT WATCHING THE FINALE: I think a much better ending would have been for Bryce to see how terrible he's going to be viewed in the future and kill himself. Everything else can stay the way it is but change it to where Bryce kills himself. That way the characters don't change who they are morally. You can keep the fact that all of them go through their dilemmas, and the false accusation of clay, and the whodunit aspect of the show, but don't make it to where everyone is an accessory to murder. Otherwise you lose the key value of the show, which is that people who commit crimes never prevail in the end. Cuz now the only way they can end this show and not teach a terrible message is to have all the characters go to jail in the 4th season....Also just get rid of the character of Ani, she was annoying, constantly lied to save her own ass, nosey, fucked a rapist knowing full well he was a rapist, and literally the worst part of this season.


SPOILER ALERT: ok so i DID have the ending spoiled for me weeks ago damn. i was searching for someone on twitter and i entered alex and "alex killed bryce" came up like ok damn twitter. but yeah the attempted redemption of TWO rapists was really hard to stomach. like i would not have been able to watch this season if it weren't for your guys' commentary as a distraction. also i don't think it changed the characters morals that they killed a rapist. i think every human should have one free murder pass that they can use on a rapist of their choosing :)

Samantha Boss

nobody has commented on the fact that Jacob lookin like a snacccc here and that's more tragic than Bryce's redemption storyline #notigers


is there a way to search through all of the tracks?


i cannot believe i suspected everyone, and i mean everyone, even bryce's mum, but not alex...


There's a great easter egg when Ani talks about (at some point during her narration) how they had to think about who was "most likely to pull the trigger." And they try to make you think it's Tyler or others who have been seen with guns. But Alex is actually the only character in the series who has ever pulled the trigger, when he shot himself.


This finale was just terrible. Alex is a murderer and the rest of them are witnesses. Season 4 should be about them going to jail. Lol


it's funny because right after that line, it cuts to alex. they do it a lot, especially when Ani is narrating in the year 2040 and the person she's talking to isn't shown, but the very next cut is to deputy standall. they did it like 3 times

Ms. Airplane

Just wanted to say I loved the show and I had a great time even though I went alone...(@ everyone thinking of going to any future tours: if these guys come to your city, try to battle your social anxiety and go, it WILL be worth it). I love that you successfully spread the message nationwide that 13rw writing is TRASH but the acting is FIRST CLASS lol....also unrelated but if anyone has Hulu, all the Final Destination films were just moved over there from Netflix - i'm catching up now!


Hey The Boys I was just wondering, did you send out all of the personal videos yet?


i lost my mind at the guy giving eric a standing o in the audience

William Brookes

So I finally got around to ending this series (because I didn't wan't to finish it). But am I missing something? Jess's mirror shit she said was said after Bryce gave her the tape? Like she heard the metaphor after she'd already said it? and thats pretty much it

Paul Thibault

Eric... just out of curiosity, are you a Dane Cook fan? I only ask because your brand of humor and delivery seems to be pretty influenced by him at times. Hope you don't take that the wrong way... I know a lot of people soured on him, but I'm actually a fan and he seems to be a pretty good dude from some of the interviews I've seen with him. (Hopefully he hasn't been canceled for something awful. Probably should have looked that up before saying I'm a fan. 😂)


i mean i listened to him in high school but haven't thought about him since, i imagine that's common for anyone my age haha