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  • 03 Spider-Man 3.m4a



Our commentary tracks for Sam Raimi's Spidey trilogy are going out with a bang! Spider-Man 3 is generally considered to be garbage, but is that just our memories warping over time?

Maybe it's not so bad!

In fact... maybe it's the best one!

What, too much? Okay, fine.

Lets see how it holds up...

And hey, thanks so much for joining us on this journey! - Jacob, Eli, & Gabe

PS. If listening to our reactions isn't enough, you can WATCH US record this entire commentary track RIGHT NOW in the $15 tier!

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Seat Slammed

Oh my Goooooooddddddd!!! - Tobey Parker

Jon Butler

im gonna rub some dirt in his eye


Now dig on this

Iliwa Iriamai

Lowkey excited for this one. I've been avoiding the movie for years.


lol nvrmind just saw the newest post. i don’t know what i’m talking about. love you boys.

Zacary Carter

See ya, chump. *Suit Squeak*

Noe Ramirez

Nobody can convince me otherwise. Sam Rami made this movie bad on purpose to spite Sony.

William Osborne

im I the only one who thinks that that crane scene with the building before spiderman shows up could have been the start of a final destination movie?