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Hello, my name is Eric, and I have been Stuckmannized.

Yes folks, for this very special movie I am joined by a very special guest: Chris Stuckmann!

Chris is one of the first people I think of whenever Shyamalan-related news breaks. That twist at the end of Split? We only had each other to discuss it with, as we had both seen the movie before it was released nationwide. The first image from Glass? Texted him immediately. This is because I know that one of Shyamalan's movies is the reason that Chris became interested in filmmaking, and that movie is... well you already saw the poster and the title of this post but it's SIGNS.

I absolutely love this film as well, so I was very excited to experience it with Chris and I was elated by all of the insight he brought to this viewing. Right off the bat he blows my mind with a subtle detail I had never noticed! So if you're a fan of this flick, prepare for some information you may not have known. And if you're not a fan? We just might change your mind...

PS. If listening to our reactions isn't enough, you can WATCH US record this entire commentary track RIGHT NOW here!

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Luke Schalki





i blacked out when i read "chris stuckmann"




talk about a twist <3

Ethan Brundeen

I love it when Eric gets to talk about movies he loves.

Michael Oh-son

Chris Stuckmann actually grew up watching PMI

Bobby Wieder

What's the band that quotes the village called???


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/TRq1VDK794KI8m53Dh4gJ-fHTkrFbaAY8nYS1TdbQBvox7iGNQsrVPXlT85GQ6ir.png?token-time=1627257600&token-hash=Xy_q08V5ipDDjtX-Tk3J6izrZBe_SQgUvsA2Lax-3NE%3D"><br>


It took this for me to realize I’ve never actually heard Chris Stuckmann have a conversation with another person. He seems lovely.


not a good commentary track to watch if you haven't seen the film. my dumb ass can't follow wtf goin on


I never knew I needed this in my life


Damn , I couldn’t wait to get out of work before seeing this .... now its just torture ...

Jesse Vincente

Wow this came almost out of nowhere. Lmao

Adelina Romero

FINALLY!! My favorite movie buffs collabing!!!

Sinead Shahrzad

So happy to finally hear other people appreciate Shyamalan as much as me! Signs and The Village are some of my all time favourite movies and I remember being obsessed with them since my first viewing. Having a commentary dedicated to Signs is so weirdly heartwarming! I really relate to discovering the wonder of filmmaking through this film as well! I also watched all the extra material on the DVD and remember that it included a short film filmed by M. Night when he was really young! xD Please tell me that you've seen it!

Jayson Spann

Just got around to watching this one. Man I hope you guys do more of these with Chris this is great!!

Alley Box

just saw that signs is now free ondemand for xfinity... so it must be time to rewatch/listen to this amazing track 🤠


Okay, I had just become a Patreon and wanted to watch this particular commentary most of all. Since I was young, I was absolutely amazed and terrified of this movie. I've watched it several times but this was the first time in so many years I've watched it again. I felt you two both love it as much as I do and I was extremely happy to experience the movie once more with this commentary. I loved the track guys, brought a lot of details to my eyes and made my love skyrocket for this movie more than ever. :)

Zenon Salas

One of my all time favorite movies and my favorite track.

Zenon Salas

I always comeback every once in awhile to listen to this track again.