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You know what time it is: Hannah's back with a brand new track, and so are we! 13 more commentary tracks for 13 more reasons why! Season 2 has finally arrived and we hope you're as excited as we are to find out where the hell they are possibly going with this...

Don't forget to butter your popcorn - but not TOO much - and enjoy!

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Watch Us Watch | 13 Reasons Why | Season 2 - Episode 6


Devon Wright

I am ready for physical contact.

Katie Russell

i've never seen one (1) person so excited and fucking pumped than jacob at minute 41

Katie Russell

also fuck me for deciding that i'm not going to watch ahead of these tracks i'm dying out here

Daniel Wishart

What is the upload schedule for these guys i’m in the same boat as Katie and I need my popcorn buttered

Maddie Zimmerman

You know what? Zach deserves a tape for shitting on 2001 like that.

Ciara O'Hagan

Jacob trying to relax and sit back and then getting worked up again about being right over Alex is sending me