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You know what time it is: Hannah's back with a brand new track, and so are we! 13 more commentary tracks for 13 more reasons why! Season 2 has finally arrived and we hope you're as excited as we are to find out where the hell they are possibly going with this...

Don't forget to butter your popcorn - but not TOO much - and enjoy!

PS. If listening to our reactions isn't enough, you can WATCH US record this entire commentary track RIGHT NOW here!

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Jordanna Bashir

*stops swipping on tinder, and immediately opens laptop*

Katie Holmes

i really planned my entire night around this please clap

Joe Curran

13/2 = 6.5


You both are doing the Lords work. I'm glad you took money from my mothers account today. You deserve it.

Marte Eggleston

Considering I just saw 2001 for the first time in a theater that scene was especially painful

Travon Lee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 04:32:41 Think this may be the best commentary track yet, but I actually hate that they're retconning things with Justin & Zach. Hannah just seems like a bigger bitch because now those tapes make no sense. Also, wasn't the point of Hannah's rape that it was her first time? It is still a rape, but it's not as impactful as before now.
2018-06-01 23:03:15 Think this may be the best commentary track yet, but I actually hate that they're retconning things with Justin & Zach. Hannah just seems like a bigger bitch because now those tapes make no sense. Also, wasn't the point of Hannah's rape that it was her first time? It is still a rape, but it's not as impactful as before now.

Think this may be the best commentary track yet, but I actually hate that they're retconning things with Justin & Zach. Hannah just seems like a bigger bitch because now those tapes make no sense. Also, wasn't the point of Hannah's rape that it was her first time? It is still a rape, but it's not as impactful as before now.

Alex Doyi

I'm watching this season for the first time along with the tracks and its so frustrating not being able to binge :(

Alex Doyi

Sure but a rape is a rape and the impact is huge no matter what


“dude . . . did we know Hannah was stacked?” is maybe the best line so far this season.

Travon Lee

True, I just felt it was that much worse because that would have been her first time. I empathized with her more because I thought it was her first time.


love that alex's sexual orientation never comes up again

Alley Box

so glad you guys liked this episode as much as I did!

Alley Box

I knoww! they really try to explain it being caused by the "physical contact".. what kind of straight bullshit nonsense??

Genevieve McGregor

every time you say 'no' in your australian accents i lose 15 yrs of my life bc it's accurate

Liana Birke


Julia Dwyer

I have never needed something more than how much I need episode 7 right now!


I don't think she ever specifically said it was her first time, even though i think we as viewers were led to assume that. I liked it, I'm glad finally hannah finally had something resembling a good physical experience with a guy, even if it didn't end well, it wasn't completely tragic. Plus rape is rape in any case so i really don't think it should cheapen anything.


r/biggerthanyouthought had me crying laughing

Bennett Cowan

I don't know if i can wait till the next commentary track. I need to be talked down

Sinead Shahrzad (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 04:32:36 Aw man I love Zach so much. Clayton less and less <_>
2018-06-07 09:41:16 Aw man I love Zach so much. Clayton less and less <_>

Aw man I love Zach so much. Clayton less and less <_>