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  • Death Note.m4a



You asked for it, so here it is! After you guys lit up our Twitter last night with requests for a Death Note commentary track, I drove two hours to meet Jacob in the middle of the night to watch this flick AND BOY IS IT A WEIRD ONE.

We went into Death Note knowing nothing but the fact that director Adam Wingard keeps tweeting that anyone who doesn't like it is a TROLL. (This is the same guy who made that goofy ass Blair Witch movie last year, in case you forgot.) Needless to say, we were very curious to see what the fuss was about... and I am SO glad we recorded our reactions.

PS. This is an EMERGENCY BONUS TRACK! We've still got Part 2 of IT coming out this Friday as scheduled. Hope you don't mind getting two extra tracks in one month ;) as always, thank you for supporting! Enjoy!!

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The show is soooo much better. Some flaws but so entertaining!


I love the commentaries you guys do, and I hope you won't Adam Wingard me by saying i'm just a hater; but It was pretty frustrating that you guys missed some of the vitally important parts (that explain the movie) because you were complaining about not understanding the movie. Over all though the track was still hilarious and I loved listening to it. Not a hater, promise.


It is very important to know that our goal is not critical analysis, only making jokes haha. It’s impossible to both entertain and catch every detail.

Conor Murphy

2 years later and this movie is still awful.


Is there any chance you guys will do the original Death Note Live Action movie from 2006? It's WAYYY better that this one (although just about any movie is lol).

Glitches Anonymous

i hope they still do the anime commentary tracks sometime in the future

Matty Turtle

I know this is old but half your comments in the second half of the filmed are explained at the start. You can control people for 2 days before they die (so you cant make your life awesome bc that would go beyond 2 days) also its not meant to change physics like it does in the movie. also you cant use the death note to make youself die on a certain date (and live for extra time) if you die early you just die early

Ben George

I'm pretty sure that you guys have the better experience not knowing the source material. As a diehard fan, this is pretty rough.

Chad Hotelling

I was going to skip this movie, but I guess I have a reason to watch it now


Can't wait to listen to this after work.

Jacob Hoslet

I'm looking forward to your guys' reaction to the screaming scene


I only watched up to the montage scene but up until that point it felt like the Metamorphisis version of High School Musical except instead of singing they kill someone.


I truly can't get home fast enough. Can't wait to hear you guys jerk off to Margaret Qualley for 2 hours.


BTW in the anime, Ryuk is never obscured, he's very whimsical and jokey and he sprouts wings and shit and flies behind him Also, yeah that's him in Palo Alto and he's really good in it, that movie is prob what got him this role.


PS Death Note is also a Japanese anime cartoon series that ran from 2006-2007.

Adrian Valiente

I'm pretty happy to get perspectives of people not familiar with the anime/manga. As someone who only saw the anime i think the biggest issue was cramping 37 episodes(IMO Anime Deathnote runs a bit too long too) into a 90 min movie, as Eric pointed out, it's too fast paced. If you skim thru the manga you'll see the movie is very different, almost unrecognizable besides Ryuk and Light finding the book/feuding with L. 1) Ryuk is supposed to be whimsical, but i liked the direction the movie was taking with 'showing less is more', tho it seemed the movie didn't know what direction they wanted to go with Ryuk. Ryuk’s motivation which was understandably Jacob’s gripe with the character, the anime goes in depth with that early on. 2) In this world, L is the best detective of the world and a very logical person and the anime does a better job at making you take him seriously, thats why the police listens to him despite his eccentric behavior. 3) The Anime explores more of the questions/dilemmas/what ifs and of the Deathnote.

Connor Johnston

the anime is much much better and MUCH different from this film, both in character motivations and events.

Grant Earle

Somehow I knew that you would do a commentary on this. Didn't expect it so soon, but boy am I excited to watch.


That was actually was okay. The Ferris wheel scene was incredible though

albert glowacki

Nat Wolff was great in Palo Alto, Stuck in Love, and even The Fault in Our Stars. I personally liked him in this too. The Lakeith Stanfield character was originally more of a Dane Dehann type.

albert glowacki

I honestly love the film. It's goofy as hell but I t struck a chord with me.

Simon Latchford

I still don't understand what exactly invested you two so much in this lol. When doing commentaries you guys always seem to love or hate it immediately, like you don't always have to have an opinion

Simon Latchford

like it just seems like a doofy movie made by doofy people for doofy reasons


The issues with this movie has probably been explained to death online. For me it was nothing to do with a race issue but while watching this commentary, it was just shit. This concept does not suit a feature film format. It could be so good as a TV series. The heart of Death Note is a political drama. The main themes are God vs. Judicial Justice. Light is a high achiever, perfectionist who is handsome and academically gifted. The series explores his concept of justice which comes from his God complex. His concept of right or wrong informs his belief in justice. His idealism causes him go on a quest to purge the world of what he believes is "evil". Everyone around him are pawns including Misa (girl) who is a completely different character in this movie. The anime is 30+ eps where each ep has a mini arc that connects to the overall plot and the rules of the Note. We see creative ways Light executes his version of justice and how ethical justice (L) catches up to him. Ryuk is a shinigami (God of Death in Japanese myth). We see a lot more of the underworld and the anime explains the mythology of how people die on earth (controlled by various Death Gods in the underworld) and Ryuk is one of many who like to intercept on earth for his own entertainment. The show is really great and explores this all perfectly in a mystery thriller/political drama and could be done amazing with a Stranger Things/House of Cards style tv show. All the hilarious questions you have in the commentary are explained in the anime :)

Andrue r.

L's introduced in the original is one of the best twists in anime and they absolutely butchered it. Regardless this track was very fun to listen to, it's always the best when you have no idea what to expect.