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He’s gonna split himself!

Scott Cramer is back for another DCOM, but this time it’s one neither of us had even heard of. Genius tells the story of a, well, genius who can pretend to be cool but for whatever reason doesn’t just stay that way all the time.

I can’t recall the last time I laughed as hard as I did at the big finale of this movie. You can’t possibly predict it.

PS. The WUW glitches and freezes twice during this track. I notice it in the middle and fix it, but it does happen again toward the end. Not sure why this is happening for recent recordings but I'm working on figuring it out!

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I can’t stop saying Charles! Chaz! Chucky! Cheese!

Kurtis Hicks

This movie sat in my brain all I could remember was a lab underneath an ice rink and the melting of the ice 😂 I’m so glad this can be uncovered from my memory bank