Officer on Dick summary and upcoming projects (Patreon)
Hey guys,
so Officer on Dick is out and I am very happy with how it turned out. I am really proud that even though it was a difficult project with 3 characters, story with dialogue and some challenging poses, I was able to plan it out and make it according to that plan.
This was possible because immediatelly after finishing the script, I made some detailed plans regarding the poses and how long will each one last and it made me realize that the current script was way too long. With heavy heart I cut about 50% of the content, but I think it made for tighter movie (That I was actually able to finish on time lol).
For anyone interested I am adding an exerpt from the script and the planning table.
As for the future, right now I am gonna take it easy for a bit, I also have some Vacations planned in the next few minutes, so before rushing into the next big project I want to do something smaller first.
For a while I had this idea for a POV project, like imagine waking up next to your girlfriend, who wants to have morning sex, but your girlfriend is Lara Croft.
That sounds pretty good, right?
Also, once I have this animation, in theory I could easily replace her with Miranda or 2B.
So I want to do a test POV animation that feels intimate and is sort of a girlfriend experience and then test out how hard would it be to use it with a different character.
After that I would maybe like to revisit one of my previous projects, probably something futa on futa like Corporate Training.