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Hey guys,

I have all the recordings for first episode and just waiting for sound design. The second episode is actually halfway done as well, I am finishing up the story transitions and after that it should be pretty simple (but also tedious 😅).




This is looking better and better with every picture shown off. Starting off 2023 with a big bang of a project. Also hearing progress is steady and smooth is also great to hear. Sounds fairly stress free for you.


This looks like a great thing is going to happen! I always appreciate your smooth style of art. Looking forward to all sorts of poses in this video. What's your favorite pose to animate?


Hah, I've been working on this basically non-stop, not sure if that quite classifies as stress free 😅


Honestly I don't think I have a favorite. Sometimes I like a simple pose where I can work on autopilot and listen to podcast and sometimes I enjoy the challenge of a story pose where I need to follow a reference and concentrate.


Well it’s definitely classified as hard working. But from your posts it sounds like things are running smoothly so that’s why it sounds stress free. I’m sure it’s not going perfectly fine and dandy but that’s what makes it art and animation. It’s a challenge but if it wasn’t challenging at time it would probably be boring for you to do. The challenges in work in the surface are pains but in reality it keeps it engaging.


Well said. Encouraging words for me to hear as I learn Blender, and a good reminder in general when challenges appear larger than they really are because of where I'm standing, not who I am. Much appreciated!