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Hey guys,

so here is Jack, once again I tried to do a contrast to the other girls, so she's very slim and athletic.

I am trying to do a bit more planning this time around and I found out that the script I wrote is fucking huge. I did some napkin math and it basically came out to like 3 times as much work as I planned it to be. So you might think more is better, but remember that I have to animate all of it :D 

Yeah I can write a script for 3 hour movie, but then I would spend next 10 years making it. So unfortunately I had to do a little bit of culling. It's going to be 3 episodes now and I had to simplify some of the poses.

However the episodes will still be longer, something like 7ish minutes each? At least that's the plan. As you can see that's more than twice as much than I used to do in the past, with it being threesome on top. This forced me to really be smart about executing some stuff and made me finally fix some issues with the models I just endured in the past.

I doubt I will release the first episode in January, just render time alone for 7 minutes of content is something like 26 days of non-stop rendering, but I still think month and a half for each episode is doable. I am expecting a huge reality check to slap me in the face, but we'll see 😅



Michael Hermesmeyer

Beautiful!! I like going with a variety. Keep it up, and thank you!


Wow this is amazing looking and it sounds like a true love project with the amount of time and effort you’re putting into it. Would be cool to see the full script you wrote as maybe like a story to read. If there’s any way of releasing that as like a directors cut of the script to just read through that would be awesome. I think a lot of people here would love to see the full script without the culling after the initial movie is done. But amazing work. I can’t wait for Episode 1.


I really like her design and the body tattoos. Hot af I hope there will be an equally sexy futa in an animation soonish. Also u think she likes to show off her tattoos? If u know what I mean? 😉


Great looking model, but I've never been a fan of Jack.


Yeah she's not everyone's cup of tea I suppose, but I like to have some variety.


She wears thin leather stripes instead of clothes, I think she likes to show off 😅


I kept all of the poses that were relevant to the story, so all that's cut is just 'filler' I suppose.


really happy to see a mass effect project, thank you for your work