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Hey guys,

here is the Lara short. Went for something nice and simple, but I really focused on the jiggle and just making the ass feel heavy and squishy 😳

Let me know what you think.



Taylor Moon

Fucking fantastic!


Fantastic fucking!


Love the subtle jiggle of her thigh while she's getting plowed, excellent detail


Yeah the focus on the jiggle was a great idea


I recognize the file designation. "Someone" got lazy here to save time and rendered at 720 then used TOPAZ to upscale it to 1080p? PLEASE don't make that a habit?


So about that... I actually pretty much never render anything above 720p, basically all my works released in last 5 years have been upscaled. However I take the quality of my work seriously and before the decision to do this I did some extensive testing with ground truth and upscaled footage, sent examples to other artists etc. Basically the result was if you have the ground truth and upscaled footage, you can probably tell the difference if you know you should look for it. I think I made some posts about it as well, but be honest with me, if you didn't see the file name, would you even suspect it was upscaled?


I see the jiggle, but don't see how it really stimulates the hormones.