New new project (Patreon)
Hey guys, I didn't post anything for a while. To be honest, all I would write would be more excuses, and I think I had quite enough of those. The new joint project is moving pretty slowly and I had some personal issues which put a damper on my creativity.
However recently I realized, that just because one project is not picking up, it doesn't have to mean I just sit idly - I can start another project and work at it in paralel! So this is what I am doing, I already picked up the theme, wrote the script and made a couple of images (yes, unfortunately it will be another one of those pictures sets with animations :().
Also my friend helped me with bringing up the quality of my renders, so attached you can see some pictures of Rebecca using some new shaders and honestly this thing alone is already inspiring me :D
Right now I have to update the other characters (yes there will be more than two in this title) in the same way and then I'll give you a promo asap.