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Hey guys,

so the audio is done and here is the full release. My website is currently experiencing some issues, so I am using a different hosting, hopefully it will work for you.

It was once again fun working with a different character than I would normally use, let me know what you think.




Great animation quality as always. Five Stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Paolo Urmeneta

Fantastic work! Worth the wait and I personally just LOVE seeing the sex happen between characters of contrasting/different skin tones


“They don’t pull out, do they?” Perfect line.

beef supreme

wow this may be the best yet. positions, camera angles, and always anal. awesome work as always.

The Layman

Nice work, agreed, though from a personal perspective I prefer a younger Ana and would like to see the girls have more erect nipples - in this scene and others.

John Doe

best one so far, loved that dva had voice lines




Love it! Great work!


Wow, what an opening scene. 😍


So much I didn't like about this animation. Not the quality but the positions & angles. Saw Ana's "flaccid" cock. Then mostly her balls. Can't win them all I guess.


Yeah that's always fun, I was just worried that Dva will look a bit sickly compared to Ana :D


I was wondering if I went too far with that one, but it was too fun :D


The carry position is actually vaginal, but it's hard to tell with Dvas fat ass :D


There are like 8 episodes with younger girls, it was fun to do a mature one.


I am trying to show a good mix of detail and more far away shots 🤷‍♂️. Also when you see her balls, you also see the ass which I found out is extremely popular angle and there is a reason I show it so much. How would you describe an angle you'd like to see?


I love this, this one seemed much more personal and intimate as opposed to somebody just pounding Dva. I love all of the animations, but this one has a different feel.

von Indy

Looks good. So that just leaves Symmetra and Moira? Or will d.va get some robo-cock from Echo too?

Paolo Urmeneta

That's what I'M wondering. The last time the polls were mentioned and stuff, he said Symmetra would follow after Ana, but I'm wondering why Moira hasn't been mentioned all this time. It would be neat to see Echo too, but I feel like that's not quite his forte, since she's primarily inorganic in shape and structure, save for maybe her face and penis


very happy with your wonderful work thank you