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Hey guys,

here is the the widow model from the front. I want to focus on her ass, so I made her other assets pretty tame.

There were some questions about not using her blue skin and it has couple of reasons. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the blue look, also Talon is my favorite skin of hers. Also the haircut she has with this skin is much more managable than her crazy ponytail.





Mark Gu

Love it

Andrew Rowe

She's not Widowmaker anymore. Just another babe.


I always have enjoyed characters with a unique skin color, that and I have a thing for colorful dicks, regardless still a very nice looking model


I swear if there's a scene with DVa eating that ass I'll lose it 🤣


That's a glorious looking set of hips on this beauty. And she does seem to have a bit of bluish tinge to her hair....


Hell's to the yeah!


Well the hair is straight up blue, it's one of her ingame skins

Michael Hermesmeyer

Beautiful!!! Request: Can you do these individual character pics with their names printed. Maybe in neon with sci-fi font?