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Hey guys,

so this is what I've been working on, if you can't tell, Brigitte has a new hair. Like I said I can't do this alone and had to hire outside help. Right now I am waiting for them to convert D.Va's hair as well so I can do a test animation and see how it all works out.

Also I guess this is a reveal of the second character in the project right? Well... yes and no, let's say there might be more 😇

For comparison, here is the old hair:



Alex White

New hair looks more natural and real. Awesome!


Looks pretty good. Also i love Brigitte.. your Animation with Brigitte and Sarah is what made me sub to your Patreon :D

Bob Fink

Looks awesome!


Yeah, with the realistic materials for skin it's really weird to have the cartoon hair, it always bothered me.