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Hey guys,

so the A2-2B movie is out, but before I move on I want to render the scene in VR. I think that the closeness of the pose would work really well and I always wanted to do a VR kissing, so we'll see how that turns out.

I know lot of you don't like VR but I am not kidding when I say that once you try VR it's really hard to go back. I am aiming for the highest quality possible (definitely want to try 90fps) but I'll also make a version that is google cardboard friendly.

Also as usual, when I say I want to do something it means I already started doing it :D So the first part is rendering and right now I am trying to figure out the kiss.

After that I'll probably take a short break as I visit my parents for the holidays and then I can finally dive into the longer project.



Good luck, looking forward to it.


VR is pretty awesome, you’re definitely right about that 👍🏻.


Tried it once, went back immediately. Subjectivity.


VR is a big Investment. Any recommendations which Headset to choose as beginner?


Before committing to a headset you can try google cardboard ( https://arvr.google.com/cardboard/ ) with your phone and see if it's something you're interested in. After that it's all about your budget and what you wanna do with it - just porn or play some games too?


yeah I feel like CG VR has a huge potential since you can get all the technical aspects to be very consistent


Both i guess. As for the Google Cardboard - it's too small for my phone. :( I don't know how much that matters, but Google Cardboard only supports phones up to 6'', mine is 6.1''.


huh strange, but it's made out of cardboard so maybe you'll be able to wedge it in anyway? If it's samsung phone you could try gear vr


Yeah, it's a Samsung S10. You think Gear VR is worth the 130 bucks?


https://www.maxboxvr.com/phones-work-compatible-google-cardboard looking at this the carboard should work with s10 after all


Yeah i saw that, but they only seem to do Bulk Orders for big Companies as far as i can see. :s


try googling around, they are usually sold in all kinds of e-shops for chump change, you might end up paying more for shipping.