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Hey guys, got some news about the project. The posing progress is going well, however I contacted the guys from Affect3d regarding putting the set up for sale.

While they liked the general concept, poses and animations, they are not satisfied with the render quality. I had to make a lot of compromises with the render quality to get reasonable render times and looks like it shows :(

The good news is that they offered me some help with render settings etc.

The bad news is that I basicaly have to render everything again...

Fortunately rendering is something I get done while I sleep or work, so it may not cause such a delay, but you know how it is ;)

So I am just informing you about the current status. I was fully expecting to finish this month, which might not happen now.

However, I think you have been patient enough until now, so if I won't finish this month, I will not be charging you for September

Sounds fair?



Honestly, I have no problem with contributing even if nothing is finished in a month. It's not like you're sitting on your ass. You're working on it. The money is your incentive to keep working on it. If a delay means even better quality work, then my money wasn't wasted.


What Cowboy said.

Andrew Rowe

More than fair.