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Hey guys,

not much to report this week. I am working on the 'surprise' animation, it's a pretty simple one but I am using it to test more advanced cloth physics. I basically had to create my own custom clothing item, so it will be interesting if I get it to work like I want it to. 

I also found an interesting skin shader, but I am struggling to get it working properly. I'll try contacting the author and see if I can get some help.



I don't mean to be rude, but I really couldn't care less about hair, clothing, etc... I follow you for great futa on futa content. I think you may be starting to miss the forest for the trees. I don't know you, but ever since you let out a great animation (diner for 3) it seems like you've been obsessed with minute, insignificant details that are taking up large amounts of time. I'm sure I can vouch for the majority of us patrons when I say that I care much less about hair, clothing, etc... than I do about good futa on futa animation released on a regular schedule


No offense given. Good animation is king, but I think that the visual fidelity is also very important, otherwise I could have just stayed in SFM. Imo stuff like proper strand based hair and true cloth physics can bring animation to next level - for example this https://pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c143fdcf3b55 the animation is great but the hair and the cloth give it that oomph. Also while this stuff takes some time to set up, after that it can actually save time. I am using lot of hacks to make certain stuff work which are not necessary with proper setup. So I understand that you are annoyed that I am spending time on this, but I think that the payoff will be worth it. And if not, it's important for me to at least test it out and see if it's feasible.