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Hey hey,

so still working on the third scene in 'Diner for three'. I adjusted my workflow a bit do deliver it sooner, usually I would first finish the entire animation and then start rendering, since I usually work in passes (base loops, join the loops together, additional animations, expressions, details, lighting, rendering), however this would take a long a time. 

So right now I always fully finish a shot and start rendering it before moving to next one. The upside is that I can start rendering much sooner and I get immediate feedback on how the scene looks, the downside is that it needs a bit more planning, since even though the shots might look good alone, sometimes they don't make sense when put together. 

Fingers crossed, I am still figuring this stuff out 🤷‍♂️

Also I found a way to increase the performance for the 'Generous Donation', so I spent about a day on that. I've been getting about 8 fps which is just painful to work with. I was able to boost it to 20ish, still not ideal but oh well, I'll take it at this point. 


Oh egads

Hey don't rush. Take as much time as you need to make it as perfect as you need to.


Thanks, I always get nervous when I feel like I am behind, but I am getting better at chilling out :D edit: Also generally I feel like I am progressing at good pace, just the render times are massive, but that's the price for longer non-looped animations