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Hello hello,

so I've been basicaly rendering 24/7 and it's kinda annoying. Fortunately I am getting close, I did drop one angle so I can render it sooner.

Also I've been having some issues with one of my graphic cards, I was looking into replacing it and it turns out all top end cards are out of stock, courtesy of crypto coin miners :(

I ordered one and hopefuly I wont have to wait some crazy amount of time. I really hope this stupid coin bubble bursts soon. 

I realized I still haven't told you who is starring in my bigger project, I think one of the clues in previous image already told you that one of the girls is Mercy. In attached picture is the second girl, anyone can guess who she is? :)




Buy a 2nd computer, render on that one ;) Buy 2 and start your own render farm :D

Andrew Rowe

If you've got the💵 and not the space in your current rig, I'm with Samantha on this. :)


Yeah I ordered the parts, but I still need the graphic card :(


Put that angle back in there, I can wait.


The thing is I am not sure if I can wait :D I really want to be done with this at this point.


So nobody can guess the girl? :) I guess I will have to give another clue later


I think it's Elle but I wouldn't bet the house on it


Im kinda hoping its Miranda and when they get done ganbanging Isabela they turn their attention to Miranda :P