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Hi there. I just wanted to inform you about upcoming change. The way patreon works is that you, my patrons, pledge money to me (and I am super grateful for that). And out of that money, patreon takes a small fee to run the site etc.

On top of that, there are some fees for paypal or any other payment system you are using.

Until now, both of those came out of my side, so if you pledged $5, you paid $5 (+VAT, depending on your country) and I received that amount minus the fees. However in the future, the payment fees will be charged to you.

So if someone pledges $5, he will pay $5 + the transaction fee.

Personally, I am not too thrilled about this change. While I will get more money per pledge, I have a feeling I will lose patrons which are not happy with this change and overall will lose more than gain.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know, and I perfectly understand if you adjust your pledges accordingly or outright cancel them. I know that all your pledges are voluntary and I am in no way entitled to them.

Once again I am grateful for your support and letting me do what I love full time :)


We're Updating Patreon's Fee Structure. Here's Why. - The Patreon Blog

In order to continue our mission of funding the creative class, we're always looking for ways we can help creators continue to grow their creative careers. We're committed to building tools that transform communities into thriving, long-term membership businesses. A large piece of that puzzle is pre



Im not going anywhere ; )

Bob Fink

I agree it's a bad move by Patreon, but I'm not going anywhere.

Roberto Canales

I will still be $5 patreon if you keep giving more of those beautiful women


I think Patreon will be the ultimate loser in the long run with this move. The few patrons that leave one person because of this is not a huge thing to Patreon. But spread it over all Patreons clients 1, 2 , 10 or more each is a huge thing that will hit them in the pocket book.


It's difficult because I am not going anywhere and am lucky to be able to afford the changes. I am stuck though in that I want to let Patreon know I am dissatisfied with the change and the only way most understand that is through money.