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Hey guys, I am gonna try to give you some update on what I am working on . I would like to do it regularly, but I might forget :D

Anyway, right now I am trying to figure out the best way to do cumshots. I dabbled a bit with the fluid simulation in blender, but unfortunately it's one aspect of blender which is pretty dated. It really is super clunky to use :(

So now I am trying to use the same way I used for the Pearl necklace. I didn't really like it cause it looked kinda cartooney, but fortunately in blender I have some additional tools that could make it look better. I am still not super happy about it, but we'll see.



Great to hear you're trying out stuff! Seen lots of people just half-ass those shots, and it's really lazy lol. Looking forward to seeing what turns out!


hi, I too struggle with blender's super clunky fluid simulator. Rikolo, I hope you don't mind letting me say a few words. First of all, I wonder if there's a way for our challenges to be heard and improvements would be made. Blender+Mantaflow fluid simulator looks interesting but the progress feels a bit slow. To any programmers out there who could make Blender's fluid simulator better, please set up a Patreon page. so I could support you to support all sexy blender users.

Bob Fink

Do you know the artist Morfium? He is pretty much the guru of cum shots, you might reach out to him. Your cum shots by the way are pretty good as is, but he could possibly give you some hints.

Andrew Rowe

Thanks for the update.


I believe Morfium is currently using Real Flow for Cinema 4D (not available for Blender) + Redshift render engine =~ $5,000 in software licenses, plus a new platform to learn :( Blender is free