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Alright, another test animation. This time I finaly (well sort of) figured out the non-linear animation. So this is the first thing which is inferior to my previous workflow, SFM had much more powerful tool for this. Apparently it's bugged in blender and it will take a while to fix. Hopefuly I can find some workaround in the meantime.

Another thing I was messing with is clothes, That was surprisingly straightforward, only thing that makes it harder are the jiggling boobies, but I should be able to work around this.

Daz has a great tool that handles clothing automaticaly, however if this tool fails, you are basicaly screwed. In Blender you have much more options to fix stuff. Pretty much at any point you can simply grab a piece of clothing and just pull or push it. Same goes for other meshes, so morphing the mouth around the cock was also pretty easy (I still obviously need some practice tho :D)

I had couple of crashed during rendering as well, however I am using some test version of blender, so if it gets too annoying I can roll back to stable version and hopefuly it will help.

Last thing, Sarah should be ready soon, so hopefuly I should be able to feature different girls that only Rebecca in next animation.



Erik Eckss

Man damn!!!


Thanks, honestly there is bunch of stuff I would like to fix, but meh, these are still just test animations


man, those tits.


Awesome as always! ^_^

Victor Fauchelevent

Just fantastic, pure fantasy - I really love it. Rebecca(s) are so beautiful and so arousing ! I am in love with both of them :-) Congrats !


To be honest, kinda hard getting them fit into those outfits :p