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Hello there. So for this one I wanted to work on 3 things:

- expand the breast physics

- prepare an environment (instead of white room)

- figure out non-linear animation

So the added physics is working and as you can see this one takes place in a house. Unfortunately the last point still eludes me, I really want to focus it in next animation. Honestly, the more I have prepared, the more I realize there is still so much missing.

However I will start with porting of additional figures so Rebecca doesn't have to sodomize herself all the time :D

Also I prepared some new charater and I think you will be pretty excited about it, I know I am!




Nice, I'm looking forward to your new character.


It's a videogame character, maybe you can guess which one? :D

Bob Fink

It's coming along very nice, and I look forward to seeing the new character ;-)


I vote for Rebecca and Elle as your first set / video. 😁 And that girls voice is AMAZING.


Aww I actually had plans for Sarah and Hana. I'll see what I can do. And unfortunately the girl just disappeared from the face of the earth, I don't have Rebecca VO right now :(