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As you can imagine, Hana is very tidy and organized person. And she was frankly shocked by the state of my Patreon! So she decided to do a bit of a spring cleaning, added tags to all the posts and fixed broken links for the older ones.

You can browse my works more conveniently, which I think is especially useful for new patrons which I've been got a ton lately!

So once again, thanks to all my old and new patrons alike, feel free to check out my works and maybe reminisce a bit, I think we got really far and I have further to go still!

Btw as you can see I have over 50 animations just on this patreon! And there are actually bunch of more not posted here.

You can check some of them on my Pornhub and some on my Tumblr however frankly my tumblr is a mess (please don't tell Hana!)

I have some plans to sort it out, I'll keep you posted.


(No title)



You can check all my animation posts via this handy tag: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/rikolo/posts?tag=Animation">https://www.patreon.com/rikolo/posts?tag=Animation</a>


Good Morning. WICKED... ;P ;P ;P


Ok. Hana is pretty hot. I like the outfit and the pigtails.


I knew you were up to no good when I told you about my tagging idea yesterday!

Bob Fink

I wouldn't mind having her come straighten things out for me as well :D


Got some paperwork to do? Or did you have something else in mind? :D

Andrew Rowe

Can't wait to see her in action!


But you already do! She is only going to do my administration :D