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本週 #財政預算案 公布之後,工程界及發展商紛紛作出投資決定。因應陳茂波於立法會就財政預算案回應時表示,將凍結未來工程開支在900億元水平,明日大嶼的交椅洲人工島計劃會拖延兩至三年,分分鐘下屆才開始填海。於香港成立40年的老牌承建商祥記馮祥、#馮祥記 建築、逢利工程宣布進入清盤程序,並即日起遣散全部員工。

有人愁有人歡喜,財政預算案撤辣後,取消三大印花稅,吸引買家包括未持有香港永久居民的買家購買物業。債權人趁機出售許家印頂級豪宅,預料節省千萬元稅項。另外 #新世界 向 #華懋 出售愉景新城商場全部權益及1000個停車位作價42.2億元。

今集主持 #馮智政


Simon S Yam

This investigation, based on dozens of interviews and conversations with law enforcement leaders, criminal justice experts, retailers and others, as well as reviews of state and local data, lent credence to some criticisms of Proposition 47 but undercut others. And it revealed some potential policy changes that could help blunt the negative impacts. Among our findings: The Numbers: Shoplifting numbers reported to law enforcement have not risen since Proposition 47, but the rate of arrests has fallen significantly. And there is evidence that many retailers do not report all thefts to police. Police and Retailer Response: Police and retailers have become less aggressive at engaging and arresting low-level shoplifters in recent years. Misplaced Blame: Proposition 47 is often blamed for crimes that are well outside its purview, such as organized retail theft rings and flash mobs targeting luxury goods stores. Felony Threshold: There’s no evidence in California or elsewhere that increasing that dollar threshold for felony shoplifting has led to more theft. Repeat Offenders: It remains incredibly difficult for prosecutors to aggregate charges and charge repeat shoplifters with felonies. Drug Courts: Participation in some diversion programs, particularly drug courts, has dropped over the past decade. Positive Outcomes: The ballot measure has saved the state more than $800 million by keeping people out of jails and prisons, savings that have been funneled into reentry programs with incredibly high success rates.

Simon S Yam

Macy 百貨關閉聯合廣場購物中心的關鍵點是出於經濟考慮,而不是盜竊問題。Even without Proposition 47, Macy will still have to close its Union Square store over time.