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▶️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYJh2TMS5NA

▶️ 將人類改造才成為機器零件的「偉大實驗」:中共「延安整風」解讀(一)


⏺ 周恩來的「三勤論」:低氣壓中,能做甚麼?


⏺ 政治低氣壓時期可以做甚麼:周恩來的溫馨提示,除了「三勤」,還有「三化」




Kang Sheng was known as a brutal and calculating character, which made him a right-hand man for the callous and struggle-driven Mao for many years. He had a knack, as though to the manner born, for making false accusations and extracting forced confessions. With Mao's support, he propagated the idea that the party was infiltrated by spies and enemies, leading to a wave of arrests, imprisonments, and tortures with an estimation of 10,000 or more deaths during the Yanan rectification campaign. His terror-inducing tactics threw a long shadow of hammer and sickle in the minds of mainlanders for generations. Oddly enough, not only was he able to remain safe and sound through a number of violent political movements and purges, but also to stay at the culmination of power within the party from the establishment of the PRC until his death in 1975, despite his "dark history” and Soviet background. His survival philosophy, which allowed him to remain unscathed, is worth studying for anyone who is forced willy-nilly to rub shoulders with the CCP. In contrast, 韋小寶 took a completely different approach—avoiding going too far and too extreme in everything. I wonder if he would be able to survive successfully today under the reign of the CCP. By the way, I find Hamas's propaganda today to be very similar to that of the CCP during the Sino-Japanese War. And, I really agree with Prof. Shen’s concluding remark.

Elaine Yip

👍👍謝謝分享~ 同意中共黨史需以真實資料重新整理, 分析記載, 當中的互為關係的複雜也是很關鍵地影響當時的政局發展的。

堅離地書院 College
