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寮國被視為世界上其中一個最後的隱世國度,雖然是共產政權統治,人民也依然相對純樸、與世無爭。但自從年前中國雲南省連結寮國首都永珍的高鐵開通,作為「一帶一路」的旗艦項目,寮國對中國的結構性依賴就急速增加,中國異見人士在寮國被「送中」,寮國民風也隨之而改變。香港老師 Danis 早前到寮國遊歷之後,對此深有感觸,這次會和我們分享她的所見所聞。

▶️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNC-I9xfqfw

⏺ 讀者分享:寮國親歷記:這裏已經成為中國一個省(一)


⏺ 讀者分享:和香港差距一甲子:寮國學校見聞(二)


⏺ 讀者分享:寮國的新時代女性(三,中英對照)


⏺ 讀者分享:在寮國與印度遊客的對話(四,中英對照)



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2024-02-28 17:02:14 i have been to laos in sept 2023, too. actually as far i see there are areas which you can see the french heritage, eg public schools and hospitals. the people are also pretty laid back there. i am not sure where the interviewee visited but Vientiane and Vang Vieng have become highly touristic even before covid . there are lots of changes in this country in this 10 years and when we talked to the locals they did admit the covid has made their life very difficult and their currency indeed depreciates around 100% and lots of places we went only accepted cash USD. it seems as the Chinese tourists can bring in money it’s gonna hard for them to reject those money
2024-02-26 23:42:19 i have been to laos in sept 2023, too. actually as far i see there are areas which you can see the french heritage, eg public schools and hospitals. the people are also pretty laid back there. i am not sure where the interviewee visited but Vientiane and Vang Vieng have become highly touristic even before covid . there are lots of changes in this country in this 10 years and when we talked to the locals they did admit the covid has made their life very difficult and their currency indeed depreciates around 100% and lots of places we went only accepted cash USD. it seems as the Chinese tourists can bring in money it’s gonna hard for them to reject those money

i have been to laos in sept 2023, too. actually as far i see there are areas which you can see the french heritage, eg public schools and hospitals. the people are also pretty laid back there. i am not sure where the interviewee visited but Vientiane and Vang Vieng have become highly touristic even before covid . there are lots of changes in this country in this 10 years and when we talked to the locals they did admit the covid has made their life very difficult and their currency indeed depreciates around 100% and lots of places we went only accepted cash USD. it seems as the Chinese tourists can bring in money it’s gonna hard for them to reject those money

堅離地書院 College

In the short run, the influx of Chinese would probably bring in money, just like in Tibet. But in the long run, that's another story.