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來源:英國 SupportJimmyLai 關注組


日前參與海外香港傳媒人協會的年度聚會,遇見很多本來都只應該在香港遇見的朋友和前輩。聚會的演講嘉賓是英國幾位很有心的律師,她們組成了 SupportJimmyLai 關注組,剛聯同黎智英的英籍兒子,到聯合國反映對案件的意見,而被「新香港」當局指為「勾結外國勢力」,令她們哭笑不得,兼大開眼界。

她們分享了這幾張海報,用字很清晰:黎智英因為報導真相而被監禁,「In Prison for Printing the Truth」,所以她們用這做口號,希望 #FreeJimmyLai。

收到這兩張海報的一刻,忽然有久違的感覺:自從黎智英的《蘋果日報》結業,似乎就再也沒有見過這類網上打卡 campaign 在香港人之間出現。上一次,已經是《蘋果日報》最後一日的「爆買」行為;再上一次,就是壹傳媒25週年特刊出版的一刻。


這類campaign 關鍵是 go viral,需要一般網民覺得有羊群效應、覺得是型;但反過來說,如果 viral 不了,卻也容易有反效果。

這說明曾幾何時,舊香港存在過的公民社會、社會運動,網絡上出現過的種種campaign,全部都是因為大家身在一個守規則、講規矩、rule-based 的文明社會,才可能出現。到了更高壓的時空,反而會一切不同聲音都聽不見。香港人從來只懂文明那一套,現在忽然落入野蠻森林裏,才發現自己本來懂的一切,都被廢去武功。



▶️ 「新香港」黑獄「法治」下,黎智英有可能100歲前離開監獄嗎?



Elaine Yip

所以說人是喜歡嚮往自由民主, 尊重人權的地方生活~


The forced closure of Apple Daily signified that a headstrong emperor hammered the oriental pearl out of his own crown. Despite churning out celebrity gossip and sensational scandals, reporting hard-hitting political news and offering unsparing analysis with a clear CCP-abhorred stance was always the paper’s never-bow-down-to-power principle, as is Jimmy Lai’s. Even in the face of a hard-pressed environment such as advertising boycotts, acts of violence against journalists, and firebomb attacks, Lai and his staff soldiered on with no fear of violence and threats. Apple Daily managed to flourish, retaining the top spot as the most widely read newspaper in the city for years until its closure. This was a living testament to the freedoms that HKers enjoyed and pursued. The closure brought a lump to HKers’ throats. On the day of the last publication, newsstands across the city became somber funeral parlors with mourners lining up to buy the last edition. This touching scene, however, hit the party’s raw nerves. This behavior was deemed an unforgivable sin and further strengthened its ruthless determination to resort to using heavy-handed tactics to overhaul this city. On the contrary, the scene is etched on my memory as if the sudden axe of grief had fallen. Not only did I bid the Apple Daily farewell one last time, but also all the good things about HK. Apple Daily was a pillar of strength facing all difficulties. As today, a hard-bitten Lai still has a very strong will come what may, even after years of imprisonment. This’s evident in the multitude of supporters outside the high walls appealing for his release.