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梁佩鳳並非家傳戶曉的household name,但在香港公民社會和商界,她的公平貿易代言人身份一向廣受敬重。她曾在樂施會出任籌募總監,然後創辦「公平棧」,投資者包括現任行政會議召集人陳智思、民主黨元老盧子健、社企先驅謝家駒等,可見佩鳳在業界的跨光譜信譽。《港區國安法》生效後,她心痛香港變得面目全非,決定放棄本來已經規劃好的離島半退休悠閒生活,毅然移居英國,情願一切從頭開始。她坦然人生需要高低起伏,才能活得實在,經歷了這兩年的一切,除了選擇和青年同行,也意識到英國才是「香港的生母」,希望在英國協助移居的香港青年儘快融入,利用她在香港成立社企的經驗,在英國再做一次。這樣積極,是因為她認為唯有獲英國本土認同、又能捍衛香港核心價值的新一代開枝散葉,才可以守住香港的未來,並希望在這艱難時刻為無論去或留的香港人打氣,說一句兄弟爬山,吾道不孤。  

▶️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO88SMHMXWQ

⏺ 從BNO檢討報告,看英國人的認真嚴謹 https://www.patreon.com/posts/53465144


Wendy Lam

感謝梁佩鳳!❤️❤️ 今次香港人真係走難,不止是移民!😥

Löwe in Wiese

I am very impressed by the speaker. I feel touched by her conviction of walking among those who are in needs. The storm is roaming hard outside. It is scary and daunting, but the only thing powerful enough to brave through it is none but always the positivity and calmness in mind as the speaker shared. Again, it is worth to recite once again: Oh, wonder! How many goodly creature are there here! How beautious the mankind is! O brave new world…


may i have contract of miss leung? would like to see if anything i can help. thx