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171. In summary, we are sure of the following:
(1) having regard to the natural and reasonable effect of displaying the flag with the words “光復香港LIBERATE HONG KONG時代革命 REVOLUTION OF OUR TIMES” on it and in the particular circumstances of this case, such display of the words was capable of inciting others to commit secession;
(2) at the material time, the Defendant himself understood the Slogan to carry a secessionist meaning, that is, separating the HKSAR from the PRC;
(3) when the Defendant displayed the Slogan in the manner he did, he intended to communicate the secessionist meaning of the Slogan to others and he intended to incite others to commit secession by separating the HKSAR from the PRC;
(4) the Slogan is a political agenda advocated by the Defendant at the time;
(5) the Defendant’s failure to stop at all the police checklines, eventually crashing into the police, was a deliberate challenge mounted against the police, a symbol of Hong Kong’s law and order;
(6) the Defendant’s acts were acts involving serious violence against persons and/or were dangerous activities which seriously jeopardised public safety or security;
(7) the Defendant’s acts had caused grave harm to the society; and
(8) the Defendant carried out those acts with a view to intimidating the public in order to pursue political agenda.


法官指「光時」"in the particular circumstances of this case, such display of the words was capable of inciting others to commit secession"。

注意,這裏說「capable of」,也就是說這八個字「有能力」煽動他人如何如何,已經犯法。法官同意「光時」可以有不同解釋,但只要其中一個解釋是控方證人劉智鵬教授的演繹,已經足以犯上「分裂國家罪」。這完全顛覆普通法「疑點歸於被告」的最根本精神:假如是普通法其他案件,有人在犯罪現場出現,哪怕是一般人的common sense都會覺得他是賊,但只要有任何合理疑點(例如他能找醫生證明不能排除他當晚有夢遊可能),基於疑點歸於被告原則,罪名都會不成立。


根據這邏輯,我們可以舉很多符合國安法庭對唐英傑案例「capable of」判決的「犯罪」例子。例如在一個學術研討會,有講者列舉一系列原因,論證港獨「不可能成功」,但只要有人感覺他在研討會的說話「暗示了他其實要港獨」,已經是「capable of inciting」。又或哪怕是香港人在商場支持香港運動員喊出「we are Hong Kong」口號,只要有一個路過的大陸遊客感覺口號有「把香港從中華人民共和國分離的煽動含義」,這口號就已經是「capable of inciting」,只要律政司控告,根據同一邏輯和唐英傑案的判決,法官根本不可能判無罪。

換句話說,這種國安法審案的關鍵,已經不在法庭:國安法庭根本毋須裁定「光時」或任何口號等同港獨、煽動、顛覆、恐怖主義等,因為唐英傑案的精髓判決是「capable of」。只要代表控方的律政司決定控告某人,再找出獨立於客觀環境、社會共識、主觀動機的「capable of inciting」的任何證據,保證存在。也就是說,國安法真正的把關人不是法庭,而是律政司。

根據唐英傑案,田北俊說過「光復香港」,雖然他的意思解釋得很清楚,不過說要「光復」到1997年剛回歸之時,但按上述邏輯,只要有人聽到田北俊這樣說,產生「你看連田北俊也叫我們光復香港各位手足努力」的感覺,田北俊的話,已經是「capable of inciting」。律政司會否控告田北俊?相信不會,但這一個judgment,是純政治判斷(律政司有權基於一籃子法律以外的因素決定起訴或不起訴任何人)。有一天風向大變,到了連田北俊都要整治之時,律政司只要一控告,根據「普通法理解的國安法案例」,幾乎保證罪名成立。

由於控告後幾乎保證罪成,一般人要小心不要違反國安法,「小心」的對象,也不會是簡單的「看條文、不要違反」那樣直接的普通法邏輯;請律師提出一萬個疑點在法庭申辯,更是對牛彈琴,因為唐英傑案已經告訴了大家,法庭只需證明「capable of」。所以小心的對象,自然是要政治正確,總之一政治不正確,律政司一提控,就幾乎等同即時還押、然後罪名幾乎「中硬」。

到了所有人都懂得上述潛規則(也就是不懂的全都抓去或流亡),這法律的用途,根據中國國情,往往就會用於內鬥:例如某人舉報某大老闆私下說過某句「capable of inciting」的話,然後講數,這種案例,屢見不鮮。不過香港比中國大陸更特別,因為這一套是出現了國安法後,再補上用英文的普通法專業法律語言來justify。兩者渾然天成的實用效果,相信連立法的人大,也覺得出乎意料之外的暢順。




係咪真係 "sure of the following"? (5) the Defendant’s failure to stop at all the police checklines, eventually crashing into the police, was a deliberate challenge mounted against [((the police, a symbol of Hong Kong’s law and order))]


所有文字既意思都係人約定俗成架啦,如果有日,我地格硬將光時,變成恭喜發財 ,身體健康,係咪以後全中國同華人都唔講得,一講就代表支持港獨? 到時呢個禁左,又轉下組詞,咁係中國咪唔準講野?