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平叔的轉型,與及作為Yellow Submarine的「浮面」,都是很典型的香港故事:到了良心的底線,還是會發聲表態,而且「出櫃」之後,就一發不可收拾,幾乎每一個行為都是利他的,這和當公務員的前半生幾乎全然相反。是甚麼促使他有這樣的改變?相信真正的原因,明就明,根本唔使問,但係唔明點講都唔明,或者扮唔明。




Wendy Lam

平叔都封筆了!😣 仲記得佢前年出席公務員個集會,為佢哋打氣!😥 好感謝平叔!🙏❤️

Dennis Ng

“幾乎每一個行為都是利他的,這和當公務員的前半生幾乎全然相反。” bad analysis. Fundamentally bad. Fundamentally before certain time, many civil servants can compare what they have done vs what other chinese civil servants in Taiwan and mainland china or even macau has done. It is the system that is beneficial. The citizens agreed to that. It is not individual servants but the system. Hence, you work in the system. It is the way. AO whatever even police has not played a bad role for quite a while. You have not live through the 1960s or earlier you do not know or sense it. The system works. Imperfect but works. And give the citizen liberty and protection. However after certain time in system has problem. That is the bad thing about like academic freedom with CE on the top. The … no democracy ultimately no liberty. It is not the fault of the civil servants by and large. Another even worst is that pure and all wording. No one or system is perfect. Any 墨子all for others is really bad. It is inhuman. We rely upon or chase after imperfect system to be democracy, imperfect media under liberty (I hate Apple daily not because what it is but no competition and hk people love tabloid … but imperfect). Uncle ping commentary is boring. Whilst he shined in that meeting let us not cheer one guy. We need all of imperfect us now, in the dark grey or light. Let us not use a wrong yardstick and also do not challenge pls history. As said by my police classmate do not call us 差人, we are police officer. Which I oblige. At that time they are. Let us call what human as human and dog as dog. But not to confuse. And even British or USA has bad and good civil servants. You have been right in the uk football correction post. I hope you can continue that line. Imperfect and self correction. 順祝筆安!

Annisa Tong


Jackie Hui
