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此刻英國百廢待興,脫歐後並未能找出新路,究竟和美國強化關係、重新經營白人英聯邦、實質上和歐盟藕斷絲連、還是索性成為中國的歐洲代理人,一切都似此路不通,而這個探索過程,恐怕還有好一陣子。這個過程中,出現了大舉收容香港人的BNO 5+1計劃,已經是原有劇本之外的活路;假如得到歐國盃冠軍,更會是意料之外的「吊名劑」。這樣的結果,足以振奮人心之餘,也可能令Boris Johnson沖喜,得到持續執政的mandate,而懂得政治精算的BJ,已經盡力將自己與足球融為一體。




如果英格蘭奪冠,領隊修夫基很可能成為爵士,星期一會成為全國狂歡假期。即使輸了而是雖敗猶榮(很難想像會好像幾年前巴西被大炒7球那類結果),也很可能出現「英式慶祝」,畢竟上屆世界盃英格蘭得到殿軍,已經有地鐵站以「South Gate」命名一天以茲紀念。只要英國上下做好期望管理,這場決賽,不論結果,英國都應該是最大贏家。



Wendy Lam

Go England Go💪💪

Henry Tsui

It's coming home.

Annisa Tong

Go ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Go!!!!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

Franco Ng


Lion Rocker

Thanks Simon for the perceptive piece on the intricate dynamics between seemingly unconnected issues like British politics, football and the pandemic.

Lion Rocker

One very interesting dimension with this England Team is the political views of the popular manager Gareth Southgate. Here's a comment from the Irish Times: " It was last month that The Players’ Tribune published a very thoughtful and widely lauded piece by Gareth Southgate entitled ‘Dear England’ in which he addressed issues such as patriotism and racism. “I have never believed that we should just ‘stick to football’,” he wrote, supporting, for example, his players’ decision to take the knee before games. “It is their duty,” he argued, “to continue to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity and racial injustice”. Commenting on the piece in The Financial Times this week, under the headline ‘Can Gareth Southgate deliver both victory and progressive patriotism?’, Gideon Rachman revealed that the England manager’s ever-increasing popularity and profile isn’t going down too well with the more hard-core elements of the Conservative party." https://www.irishtimes.com/sport/soccer/international/eurozone-gareth-southgate-getting-under-the-skin-of-some-hardline-tories-1.4614056

Lion Rocker

An excerpt from The Players’ Tribune published a very thoughtful and widely lauded piece by Gareth Southgate entitled ‘Dear England’ : I know my voice carries weight, not because of who I am but because of the position that I hold. At home, I’m below the kids and the dogs in the pecking order but publicly I am the England men’s football team manager. I have a responsibility to the wider community to use my voice, and so do the players. It’s their duty to continue to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity and racial injustice, while using the power of their voices to help put debates on the table, raise awareness and educate. Full essay: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/dear-england-gareth-southgate-euros-soccer

Lion Rocker

It is interesting to see how America has regressed to thrashing out the mechanics of their democracy and China has regressed from collective leadership now closer to dictatorship while Europe seems to be more progressive in refining/defining their democratic values in terms of social injustice and cultural values.

hei lok wong



又再打破「政治歸政治,體育歸體育」嘅謬誤. 注意. 當北京冬奧將會被杯葛嘅未來,啲藍絲又會口中唸唸有詞以上.