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▶️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLdPHNSGE6Y

▶️ 上篇:陳文敏:BNO的前世今生,中方反制有用嗎?


Elaine Yip

事實上, 我是有心死的想法


Well done for getting Johannes Chan to speak. A high quality conversation. I think we all learn a lot from it.

Löwe in Wiese

I hate to say, but after Jun 2020 many pragmatists I knew, who had accumulated some wealth and been working as professionals for years, had already given up their hope that things will be better again. The very different situation now from 1989 is that the government now has no intention to make amend to the people. International superpowers simply won't care unless affecting their interests and gains. There is no check and balance of power in politburo in Mainland nowadays. Power is centralized into one person or small group of people. Objectively, change is simply impossible. Things that kept people staying are either they have no other option or simply want to pocket all money out of this place and then leave. As a famous writer quoted that "All the happy families are similar, but unhappy family is unhappy in their own way". A city requires all necessary factors and reasons to thrive, the very one lost last year had irreversibly turned this city into an unhappy one.


陳教授好有心 祝平安


路過有感, 唔好介意, 我有時都有呢個想法, 但見到咁多人仍然努力, 實在不捨放棄...... 史上有水滴石穿的例子, 盼望起碼自己可以能堅持幾耐就幾耐啦。