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目前在Georgia 讀書的香港學生 Alex,讀到Patreon 關於 Georgia 選情的文章後,希望和大家進一步分享在當地的親身觀察,僅供Patreon 會員選舉日內部交流。  

▶️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtYiowU61Lo

⏺ 共和黨另一票倉:喬治亞州會失守嗎? https://www.patreon.com/posts/43441629


【Patreon內部分享🇺🇸】2020美國大選直擊:搖擺州份Georgia 最新選情

目前在Georgia 讀書的香港學生 Alex,讀到Patreon 關於 Georgia 選情的文章後,希望和大家進一步分享在當地的親身觀察,僅供Patreon 會員選舉日內部交流。 ⏺ 共和黨另一票倉:喬治亞州會失守嗎? https://www.patreon.com/posts/43441629 Simon 沈旭暉 堅離地 Social Media ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shensimon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simon.diplomacy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/simonshen Twitter: https://twitter.com/simonshen_glos Blog: https://simonshen.blog/ 其他合作及查詢可以電郵至simonshen@glos.world。






Gary Lee

多謝 alex

Yu Yu

Thanks Alex

Vincent Nam

可否補充5個分析選舉法例嚴苛性的Criteria。略翻閱過相關資料,Georgia規定選民要有Exact match photo ID、在囚者不得投票,但容許Early Voting及No excuse absentee voting。相較之下另有州份更嚴苛。

Wendy Lam

似乎你只收到民主黨嘅訊息,侵侵係真心為美國,佢從來冇任何政策對新移民或黑人不利,佢只針對非法移民,而我哋係睇到佢喺過去四年做到好多嘢,至武肺到之前,我哋經濟,就業都非常好。Anyway 只少我喺美國嘅少少意見。

Alex Ip

But in a recent report, the Commission on Civil Rights, a bipartisan federal panel, harshly criticized Georgia's more recent treatment of minority voters. The commission listed five restrictions it considers particularly onerous: requiring government-issued photo identification to cast a ballot; requiring documentary proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a passport, to register; aggressive purges of inactive voters; reductions in early voting; and moving or closing polling places. Georgia is the only state that imposed all five restrictions, the commission found. The proof of citizenship law was never implemented, however. https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/voter-purge-begs-question-what-the-matter-with-georgia/YAFvuk3Bu95kJIMaDiDFqJ/

Alex Ip

多謝Simon邀請 如果大家自認英語水平OK嘅話,我強烈鼓勵大家留意538,佢哋係美國首屈一指嘅選舉大數據分析網站,4年前唯一預告trump有可觀機會當選嘅傳媒。佢哋估計biden全國選舉人票勝算係百分之九十,當中係Georgia約莫係58% https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/ 大家亦歡迎follow我嘅Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexip718

Elaine Yip

謝謝Alex 的分析~


Thanks Alex

Theresa Tang


Kris Lok

Thanks Alex. He’s so young, but very mature in analyzing the election..香港人加油💪

Celine Chan

Thanks Alex and Simon!

ET Jasper (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-02 15:10:55 thanks Alex & Simon, agree regardless of one's political stand pt we all should keep our minds open for various opinion. Hkers add oil
2020-11-04 06:37:28 thanks Alex & Simon, agree regardless of one's political stand pt we all should keep our minds open for various opinion. Hkers add oil

thanks Alex & Simon, agree regardless of one's political stand pt we all should keep our minds open for various opinion. Hkers add oil