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想不到,美國大選真的和香港人產生直接互動:NBC報導,Hunter Biden的「調查報告」是「一份香港小報《蘋果日報》」的commissioned project,用意自然是影響選情。《蘋果日報》隨後發表聲明,否認和事件有任何關係;然後《蘋果日報》老闆黎智英承認,是他的助手Mark Simon經手此事,從他的私人公司付款,而他本人不知情。

最新消息是Mark Simon對此道歉、辭職,而Mark Simon是《港區國安法》第一名通緝的美籍非華裔人士,愛國媒體一直大肆宣傳其海軍、CIA背景,目前已經離開香港。

對以上脈絡,不同人自然有不同解讀。但為甚麼蘋果要割蓆、Mark Simon要辭職?


1. 根據《聯邦選舉委員會》規例,非美國公民不得對選舉進行任何捐獻,而「捐獻」定義可以包括服務,「捐獻」對象也不限於候選人的正式團隊。Mark Simon的做法,起碼證實了以影響美國選舉為目的的資金,來自一位非美國公民(黎智英的私人公司),黎本人是否知情有待美方研判,但Mark Simon很難脫離關係。

2. 根據2016年大選後國會通過的《反外國宣傳與造謠法案》,一切與「外國勢力」有關的真假新聞,都受到嚴密監管。假如這次是《蘋果日報》的公司行為,再涉及報紙對美國大選的報導手法,特別是通過英文翻譯、把文章發回美國的「大外宣」,只要內容有任何宣傳、非事實成份,很容易觸犯此法。因此,《蘋果日報》第一時間撇清關係,強調關於Hunter Biden的新聞都與上述資訊來源無關,完全是員工從其他途徑獲得;Mark Simon也第一時間割蓆,就是因為這條罪可大可小。



越是大時代,越是應該冷靜,if you still care。




Alex Ip

I live in the states; the last thing I want is to have pro-Hong Kong folks divided along which presidential candidate to support. That would be what the CCP would love to see!

Christopher Lam

越是大時代,越是應該冷靜 Well said


感覺這犯了前幾天教授提到蔣介石試圖干預美國選舉的錯誤,因為mark simons 參與造假抹黑拜登(不是單純報導負面消息),而mark simons 和蘋果日報在之前國安法拘捕的時間裏為外國人熟知,某程度代表香港,令民主黨支持者對香港感到反感(蘋果割左蓆但唔知效果有幾多)。即使政治立場支持那一位候選人,但親身落場抹黑某位候選人等於蔣介石all in 其中一位候選人是對香港不利的。

Chris Lam

Engagement 做咗40年,不是特朗普做多4年就能扭轉的,誰人當選也好,只要政策方向不改,要反枱的始終要反枱,香港人作為棋子,只要一日還在棋盤上,還是能有作為的。

Neil Chu

Oh boy !

Eric lin


Chi Sang Wong

其實教授的文章 好有用 好多時候 是應該廣傳令大家冷靜思考! 是令更多左和右極端分子 思考 停一停 的好文章

salt water

若拜登當選,恐銘記蘋果日報所作所為,那便是同時得罪全球兩大權力。這次大選,的確是很多人擺上自己命運晒冷,而且是冇得翻盤,All in。

Wendy Lam

I have been living in the states for about 30 years, but still care for HK very deeply. I agree with you that HKers should really rely on their own. However, I just wanted to point out one thing is HK people are pretty desperate now especially after the NSL has been put in place since July 1st. The protesters can't do much ( not saying totally zero but very limited) so it is understandable that they could only look to foreign influence on CCP if possible. It is normal that they look to foreign assistance especially US. Since there will be a difference on how the country deal with CCP so I think that's why they are so concerned on the results.

Jon T

Thank you Simon. I appreciated your closing remarks. We are living in the age of big data and an increasingly partisan, polarised world. Unsurprisingly, we have more and more people who are motivated by power or agendas that may seem genuine but in reality disingenuous. Even facts can become partisan propaganda these days. Don’t forget the new truth perpetrated by people with power and influence. Ordinary folks, liked you said, can do more to minimise the polarisation by read more, analyse more, think first and rationally before opining. Ironic as it may sound, “We are entitled to our opinions but not our own facts” as echoed by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, is true especially in the age of “poisoned public discourse”, as described in Vanity Fair. ‘Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” The words belong to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and they have a haunting quality in our own age of poisoned public discourse. Here’s another Moynihan contribution: “defining deviancy down.” It captures the way standards and expectations, as they fall, become accepted at each new, lower level as somehow “normal.” - An American Original, Oct 6, 2010

Jon T

I recommend all to read the analysis from Mary Hui of Quartz. https://qz.com/1919938/what-a-trump-or-biden-win-means-for-chinas-ambitions/?fbclid=IwAR2jzgZu_77LFEktjJjxl4qH-YscPZqC5mO4DE3GSscvNNYCLbdnly5yP8E This particular statement reflected the reality of the current situation: “Really what [Beijing wants] is for there to be a divide within the US, and between US and its allies,” said Emily de La Bruyère, co-founder of strategic consultancy Horizon Advisory, and an expert on China’s approach to global competition. And Trump, given his track record of polarizing the American populace, abandoning international organizations, and putting tariffs on European allies, would likely deliver the kind of division and discord that China is itching for.”

miuying yu


Jon T

Agreed. CCP loves divisions and conflicts amongst the opposition.

Good Year

美國係一個選民既國度 有力影響民意 先係贏家 算法係利害 但人始終係估你唔到


The time cost involved is the greatest obstacle for fact checking, but at least we should not spread the news if we dont have the time to fact check it.




We still carw


呢度一堆人扮中立, 已知事實中共係惡魔, 如果犯美國法係幫到trump選情去打擊中共, 呢個係lesser evil of the two, d懶係中立既偽善者用法律道德做盾牌不斷話盲撐兩邊都錯, 一見到犯法就跳出黎告比老師聽乜乜乜, 同你話香港人比黑警打, 其實大家都有錯, 不如由公正既法院去審一樣咁on9, 中共一早睇穿哂你地班偽善者既左膠思想, 所以biden會話trump搞事, 不如叫中國跟國際規則, 玩WHO WTO啦, 咦乜咁熟口面既? 你地既偽善中立正正就係both香港同美國民主黨果套, 養到中共肥肥白白對內屠殺, 對外滲透, 今時今日仲跟"規則"? 規則同自由一樣, 係reserve比尊重佢既人用


首先,就算單論利益,mark simons 作假干預美國選舉不一定成功,有穿煲的風險,不能夠只係睇成功的益處而忽略失敗的後果。宜家穿左煲,美國人對選舉公平性十分重視,會對某程度上代表香港的蘋果日報的想法會負面左。其次,中共無跟規矩只能justify到美國不應該同中國繼續玩WHO果d國際組織或者我地唔應該同中共講道義,但係解釋唔到點解我地要做假去干預美國選舉。

Yu Yu

其實就算trump真係因為咁贏咗, 但美國係行check and balance, 如果Democrats繼續贏眾議會, 甚至贏埋參議會, 當你做晒fake news 得罪晒Democrats, 仲想面對? (要拖死你唔需要反對架, 只要跟"程序"就好多手法), 更唔洗講, 若果trump轉軚的話, 你連借力打力的支點都無埋,

Wendy Lam

我覺得NBC 篇文章根本冇指出乜嘢大問題。反而佢哋冇做好佢哋自己嘅本分去查閱果個報告。