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在港區國安法後的文革2.0,教育界固然是重災區,本來不少人以為國際學校可以是避風港,但這明顯不是現實。今天傳來香港澳洲國際學校(AISHK)校長Mark Hemphill辭職,原因直接和港區國安法有關,就很令人欷歔。






Thomas Tong


James Lo





国安大法,真.無遠弗屆! 而美國大學嘅舉動,係咪表現左全世界嘅學術自由,已經受中国所干預呢?

Chapman Yeung

"國際學校"唔一定要外藉老師, 亦唔一定同外國學校接到軌。 退一萬步, 揾幾個認同一黨專政(真唔真心都好)嘅外國人好難咩? 北韓咁窮都揾到唔少啦!

Alan Lee

就快香港學生都要upload 睇習語錄的相



Thomas Tong

Money is what that matters. I heard some universities got branches in china

Jon T

Friends actually said in the past international schools are actually safe haven from National Education curriculum. Not anymore, especially now the even a number of US institutions have to reassess their courses, providing them encryption and protecting the identities of teaching staffs and students. We shouldn’t accept this as the new normal.

Thomas Tong

We should not accept it as norms but I really don't know what we can do. You are right that white terror is intolerable but it is happening in hong kong. Jimmy lau and chau ting being arrested has sent us a clear signal that the CCP does not and will not accept any form of deviant view or opinion. I am very pessimistic that one of the cores of the future education is on how to "nurture" the next generation as the die hard follower of the CCP.…… if all the opposition voice dies down, it signifies the end of Hong Kong.



Charles Fung

Parents that have to stay in Hong Kong should not forget they have a duty to teach their children the importance of differentiating right from wrong, truth from lies, educating from brain-washing. So far my children are able to hold on to these.

Thomas Tong

Agree. If parents do not guide their children a right way, some will be easily brainwashed and may even become slaves of the chinese communist party. Some who have changed their political stances definitely fall into the above category. Of course, being a person of principle and integrity is not easy at all. Hope that the future generations still uphold the basic and fundamental value of this city.