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▶️ 美國之音任敬揚:天下大亂:特朗普被判34項罪名成立之後,未來幾個月甚麼都可以發生




Under normal circumstances, the Democratic Party would swear to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from being elected before the election. From a rational perspective, they should strive to resolve all political and ideological conflicts prior to the November election, rather than delaying them until after the election and risking a constitutional crisis. Needless to say, how to alleviate the strong anti-Trump sentiment within their own camps is a major challenge. If Biden is reluctant to distance himself from the situation and instead insists on uttering empty words like "no one is above the law" and "the real verdict is going to be November 5 by the people," it’ll only push himself toward a disadvantage position in the election. If Trump were to be elected, the Democratic Party would be bound by their previous claims of moral superiority, weakening the flexibility in resolving constitutional crises. If other criminal prosecutions against Trump reach a verdict after he wins the election, there’ll undoubtedly be political considerations involved. Before the situation escalates to the extreme point hypothesized in the piece, it’s more likely that people from both parties have already come up with various buffering solutions. For example, if a state judge were to sentence Trump to prison, would the judge have the right to allow him to serve the sentence after leaving office, given his presidential status, the immense public interest, and the avoidance of a constitutional crisis? Alternatively, when Trump lodges an appeal, could the judge postpone the appellate proceedings so that the final decision is not announced during his presidential term? On the contrary, if the NY state judge Juan Merchan were to sentence Trump to prison in July, but the sentence were to be completed before October, would Trump place a risky bet and leverage his incarceration in his election campaigns? He could have his staff provide daily updates on social media about his imprisonment, and then use the narrative of "political persecution" as an election slogan to rally anti-left but not necessarily pro-Trump supporters, as well as sway some right-leaning swing voters. This would further disadvantage the Democratic Party. This scenario, however, seems unlikely given Trump's fiery and unfettered temperament. Whether this would be good or bad news for Democrats depends on how they analyze the ongoing saga unfolding in this high-stakes political house of cards.

悉尼 袋鼠

J6件事令到世人發現,作為儀式性嘅參議院議長,副總統响關鍵時刻都可以左右大局。 美國頭幾位總統,都係立國之父,係一齊打江山嘅好兄弟,話唔定寫憲法建立制衡機制時,無諗到呢一啲儀式位都可以玩到咁大鑊 。