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#gme #道瓊指數 #華爾街

今集主持 #馮智政 與 #方源 分一齊同大家觀察美國經濟。

方源:THE INSIGHT INVESTOR https://theinsightinvestor.com/




Prominent investors gain recognition for their unique approaches. Warren Buffett achieved significant success by investing in undervalued companies and maintaining long-term positions. George Soros and John Paulson made bold but big bets on macroeconomic events, challenging central banks and causing ripples in the financial world. Jim Simons, a renowned mathematician who transitioned from academia to financial markets and emerged as one of the most successful quantitative traders, if not the GOAT, in modern financial history, had an aura of mystery surrounding his strategies. He delved deep into quantitative analysis and studied big data over an ultra-long time horizon, employing methods such as predictive algorithms and machine learning that were often seen as a black box and constantly searching for patterns. He frequently insisted: “There’s a pattern here; there has to be a pattern.” Simons, revered as a king of quant, showcased the potential for substantial gains through his mastery of quantitative skills, amassing a huge fortune comparable to that of Li Ka-shing. In order to mitigate “narrow-minded” biases in investment decisions, he notably favored recruiting unschooled scientists—no “contamination” resulting from financial backgrounds—over MBA graduates from Ivy League schools or star traders from bulge bracket firms and top hedge funds.

悉尼 袋鼠

Success stories are often fraught with survivor bias. Worse, tips from successful people often tend to be related to resources they can command AFTER they have been successful. Motherhood statements fill up the origin of their stories.

