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I'm a science enthusiast. While I’m not an expert in quantum physics, I would like to share my understanding of elementary quantum mechanics, first by intuition and then through some mathematical equations. I welcome any feedback from experts here who can point out any errors in my concept/interpretation. Please feel free to provide your insights and corrections.

I would say the strangeness of the theory starts off with wave-particle duality: quantum objects have both wave and particle properties. If an electron has a definite single momentum, it has a single frequency, which behaves like a regular wave. This wave continues on in space forever, so the electron doesn't have a definite position. On the other hand, if we set up a wave with a definite position, we have to sum up waves of many different frequencies. So if an electron wave is localized in space, it doesn't have a definite frequency. This is called Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: the more accurately one physical property of a system is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known.

We can illustrate this concept in a simple experiment where the position of an electron is measured. In order to measure the position of an object, a photon must collide with it and return to the measuring device. Since photons hold some finite momentum, a transfer of momentum occurs when the photon collides with the electron, in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum. This transfer of momentum causes the momentum of the electron to increase. Thus, any attempt to measure the position of a particle will increase the uncertainty in the value of its momentum.

Conversely, if we measure the momentum of the electron with high precision, we use a photon with a longer wavelength (lower momentum) in order to minimize the disturbance to the electron’s momentum (the “push” it delivers is minimal). By gaining higher precision in momentum (minimal photon interference), we lose precision in the electron’s position in light of a larger spread of photons.

If we consider this example with a macroscopic object, such as a basketball, it can be understood that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle has a negligible impact on measurements. Although there is still a transfer of momentum from the photons to the basketball, the mass of the photon is significantly smaller than that of the basketball, and therefore, the change of momentum in the basketball can be neglected.

The world of quantum mechanics is very different from classical (Newtonian) mechanics that we're all much more accustomed to. We cannot derive quantum mechanics from classical laws. In fact, quantum mechanics is a more fundamental theory from which classical mechanics emerges. However, there are many close parallels between the equations of quantum and classical mechanics. To understand the origin of the uncertainty principle in mathematical language, we can refer to the canonical commutation relation [x̂, p̂] ≡ x̂p̂ - p̂x̂ = iℏ, where x̂ and p̂ are operators representing the position and momentum, respectively, in a quantum system, ℏ is the reduced Planck constant, and i is the imaginary unit defined by i² = −1. Its counterpart in classical physics is the Poisson bracket {x, p} = 1, where x and p are classical observables, i.e., number-valued quantities. It's worth noting that each observable in classical mechanics corresponds to an operator in quantum mechanics. The eigenvalue of an operator acting on the quantum state corresponds to the measured values of the observable. Examples of observables are position, momentum, kinetic energy, total energy, angular momentum, etc. If x̂ and p̂ are both numbers, they commute so the product does not depend on the order in which x̂ and p̂ are multiplied, x̂p̂ - p̂x̂ = 0, which contradicts the commutation relation. Nevertheless, this contradiction can be interpreted as the limiting case where quantum mechanics becomes classical mechanics when the Planck constant tends to zero. This means that, at the macroscopic level, quantum effects can often be considered negligible, and classical theory can be used instead.

Yet in the quantum world, x̂ and p̂ are linear operators and they cannot be expressed into numbers simultaneously. Again, the commutator [x̂, p̂] = x̂p̂ - p̂x̂ can be used to clarify this concept. The commutator itself is an operator. Let x and p be the observables, i.e., the eigenvalues of x̂ and p̂ respectively. We then have x̂ ψ = x ψ and p̂ ψ = p ψ. Acting the commutator (an operator indeed) on a quantum state (which can be thought of as measuring an observable in a classical sense), say ψ, gives x̂p̂ ψ - p̂x̂ ψ = x(p ψ) - p(x ψ) = 0. This implies the measurement of x and p doesn’t shift the state of the system, i.e., initial and final states are the same. However, the canonical commutator relation tells us that if we measure x, then measure p, the result for p would differ from directly measuring p. This’s because the first measurement for x has caused the system to “collapse.”

In other words, positions and momentum do not actually have values in the conventional sense simultaneously. The more we confine one observable to be “almost a number” (by performing a measurement), the less the other observable will behave like a number, and vice versa. This does not mean that the quantum system cannot have exact positions and momentum at all times. In fact, they do exist, but they cannot be measured simultaneously in precise numbers. Interpreting this through a probabilistic view, the particle indeed exists in many locations at once.

We can use our knowledge to predict the probabilities of where and when the particle will finally interact with a classical apparatus. It's worth noting that in classical mechanics, both position and momentum observables can be precisely measured simultaneously because they are represented by numbers. We can describe this phenomenon in a neat way using mathematics. The state of a quantum system is given by a wavefunction ψ(x, t), which is a complex function. The probability of finding the particle located between x and x+dx is given by P(x, t)dx ≡ |ψ(x, t)|² dx, where | • | represents the complex modulus used to define the probability density P(•, t). This means that if you start with a cloud of identical particles in the system, each with the same wavefunction ψ(x, t), and you measure the position of each particle at time t, you will obtain different results for different particles in the cloud.

ψ(x, t) can be seen as the wavefunction in the position (x) space, while its Fourier transform Φ(k, t) is in the momentum (k) space. In a similar fashion, the probability of finding the particle with momentum between k and k+dk is given by Q(k, t)dx ≡ |Φ(k, t)|² dk. ψ(x, t) and Φ(k, t) just two representations of the wavefunction, i.e., the state of the same quantum system, in different spaces. We can recover the certainty principle mathematically through the connection of these two spaces: when ψ becomes a very narrow spike in the position space (indicating a high likelihood of finding a particle around the spike), Φ becomes inversely stretched out, almost flat, in the momentum space (indicating a very low but equal probability of having a momentum between k and k+dk along the momentum space).

Suppose we conduct an experiment repeatedly, using the same set of initial conditions, and tally the occurrences of different outcomes. If the outcome is always the same, it means that the system is deterministic, and the initial conditions fully describe it. If the outcome is not always the same, it indicates that the system is not deterministic in nature, or the set of initial conditions are insufficient to fully describe the system. Let’s say we toss a coin. We should be able to predict the outcome fairly accurately if we had a detailed description of the coin, its initial position, and motion, i.e., a full description of the setup in the experiment. However, under normal circumstances, we don't have access to that information, so our description of the system's initial conditions is incomplete. Quantum physics appears to be a “probabilistic” science because initial conditions cannot be purely given in terms of "classical observables," which are quantities that can be measured. As a result, we’re unable to predict the outcome of an experiment with certainty.

Schrödinger's equation is a linear PDE that governs the wavefunction of a quantum system. It is often regarded as the quantum counterpart to Newton's second law of motion, F = ma. In my viewpoint, it is a deterministic equation per se, much like a system without any built-in state simulator. However, certain properties of the system are not fully accessible through observation. Therefore, the probabilistic nature of quantum physics arises from the relationship between initial conditions and outcomes when repeatedly observing a large number of times.

▶️ 陳志宏博士對談《奧本海默》(一)量子力學的顛覆性,究竟在於哪裏? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMPMKrNEC2I

▶️ 陳志宏博士對談《奧本海默》:(二)科學、藝術、音樂、文學、社科、政治都在革命:奧本海默是Renaissance Man,還是 Alpha Male?



cas idit

呢篇文講下quantum probabilistic description, 再深啲可以再講係咩的probabilistic structure 。例如quantum 唔遵從哂Kolmogorov classical 的probability axioms。 作者有興趣又可以再寫多啲 :P


I’ve to confess again that I’m not an expert in any field of physics. I’m rather an amateur who just learn some physics topics for my own interest. So I’m keen on having jovial and stimulating conversations in the hope that some ideas are exchanged with other experts/enthusiasts through which I can sharpen or correct my understanding. To anyone who looks for serious/rigorous answers to a physics question, he/she is strongly recommended to consult Dr. Chan or other experts. Regarding your suggestion, I think we can touch on the fundamental differences between classical probability (in the sense of Kolmogorov’s axioms) and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics in plain words without walking through the details of their mathematical foundations. Please feel free to provide your inputs or point out any mistakes I’ve made. In classical probability theory, probabilities are assigned to events based on their frequency of occurrence in a large number of trials. These probabilities can also be determined based on personal belief (subjective probabilities) or some assumptions (prior probabilities). Each event (a known reality) and its associated (pre-specified) probability are independent of our observations or measurement process. The order of measurements doesn't affect the outcome. These concepts can be modeled using probability spaces¹. This approach assumes that events have definite properties (axioms 1-3) and that their outcomes can be predicted with certainty if all relevant information is known. In contrast, quantum mechanics introduces the concept of probabilistic outcomes at the microscopic level of particles and systems with the notion of superposition. Quantum systems are described by wavefunctions that allow for the simultaneous existence of multiple states (In terms of mathematical language, a wavefunction can be decomposed as a sum of periodic functions, that is, quantum states can be represented as vectors in complex Hilbert space). However, it is crucial to understand that these states do not coexist in a classical sense but each is associated with its own probability. By the postulate of quantum mechanics (the Born rule), probabilities are calculated from the wavefunction. The state of a quantum system does not describe a pre-existing reality before the measurement, as illustrated by Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. When a measurement is performed on a quantum system, the wavefunction collapses into a specific state, and the outcome of the measurement becomes probabilistic (having a probability function determined by the state) and order-dependent (for instance, the order of measurements on entangled particles can influence the results due to quantum entanglement). By the Born rule, the probabilities of different outcomes, such as position or momentum, are determined by the squared modulus of the corresponding wavefunctions in position or momentum space, respectively. This departure from classical probability reflects the inherent uncertainty and indeterminism present in quantum phenomena, arising from the uncertainty principle. ¹ A probability space is a triple (Ω, σ, P) that is used to describe the random variables in an experiment. Ω is the sample space, σ (often called σ-algebra in probability theory) is the event space, i.e., a collection of outcomes generated by the samples in Ω, and P is the probability measure, a (measurable) function which assigns a probability for each event. Consider a fair coin with two possible outcomes: head (H) and tail (T). The sample space is {H, T}. If we conduct an experiment of tossing the coin three times and consider all possible scenarios, the event space σ = {HHH,HHT, HTH, HTT, THH,THT, TTH, TTT}, where each three-letter subset denotes the outcome of each experiment: the letter in the i-th position denotes the outcome in the i-th toss. P is the pre-specified probability for each toss (say, for a fair coin, set 1/2 as the probability of getting either H or T in each toss). Assume each toss is independent of the other. By the concept of conditional probability, the probability of getting HHT (or any other event) is (1/2)³ = 1/8. Technical details can be found in any probability textbooks.


Heisenberg's uncertainty principle reflects an intrinsic uncertainty inherent in the physical world, stating that both the position and momentum of a particle cannot be precisely determined simultaneously. This fundamental limitation arises from the wave-like nature of quantum particles, where a particle's wavefunction encodes information about both its position and momentum. Importantly, this uncertainty is not caused by particles emitted by our measuring devices; it is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics.


Yes. The uncertainty principle is not caused by particles emitted by the measurement apparatus but emerges from the nature of the quantum system when it interacts with the apparatus. It’s an important consequence of wave-particle duality, which is the underlying property of quantum objects. It can be illustrated by the experiment described in the piece, which shows that from a classical perspective (more intuitive, hopefully), the more precisely we try to measure a particle's position (x), the larger uncertain we’re in determining its momentum (p). One can concisely express this property using the famous inequality: Δx Δp ≥ ℏ/2 (ΔY can be interpreted as the measurement error in an observable Y). It’s worth noting that the principle also holds true for other non-commutative observable pairs: measurable properties of a quantum system that don't commute with each other. Physically speaking, this means the order in which you measure them can affect the outcome. Other example pairs include energy and time, and angular momentum and its precise orientation (angle). You raise an important point about wavefunctions. They can have different forms of representation in different spaces, as said in the piece. Each can give us the information about the corresponding observable, say position or momentum.