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This is not the way I wanted to introduce you guys into this project, originally the plan was to have at least a rough alpha version before introducing this project to you patrons but given the circumstances I decided to go forward with it but, before I get into the reasoning of why I'm making this announcement let me tell you a little bit about Reflections, a WG VN I'm currently working on and teased a couple months ago HERE

Reflections will be a WG VN with a small twist here and there, It won't be like your usual VN about dating a ton of waifus and role playing as a faceless protagonist, here the characters are the main focus of the VN and the CHANGES they go through, in case it wasn't clear enough, yes, this will feature and focus almost entirely on Weight Gain, besides that you can also expect a lot of reality shift and the good ol' personality change, My OC Veronica will be the main protagonist but you can also expect the rest of this new cast to change along the way

this VN however is not by any means a large scale project despite the current final script being about 88 pages long and around 25K words, originally this VN was supposed to be a DEMO to pitch the idea to you guys, if reception was good and enough funding was collected it'd kickstart the real big project (which might as well never happen if this one doesn't gain any traction)

I started working on this Project 7 months ago, and I spent about 70% of that time working on the script and conceptualization, the few sketches you see above were also drafted but they're getting finalized just now, like I said before the script is now pretty much set on stone and my small team can now move to integrate all that into the code as well as making the localization of the english version, yeah you heard that right, this script was a 100%  written from the ground up in spanish so it will take a little bit before it can be complete in english but fret not, it won't take another 7 months, probably just several weeks

with the script out of the way I can now concentrate in working on the sprites, if you saw my Darkness sprites HERE and HERE you can get an idea of what kind of content you can expect here, Unfortunately like I mentioned and the reason why I'm making this announcement now is that the project simply grew waaaay out of proportions, what was supposed to be a short DEMO project to pitch a bigger project became its own thing, the workload simply is massive as to keep developing it in secret.

the required assets ranges from: several backgrounds, event pictures and alternative versions, a fuck ton of character sprites with different poses and face combinations, weight gain sequences, animations (moving sprites), coding, sound effects and music soundtrack (this might not be an issue if we go with license free stuff) 

I felt it was about time to explain you guys, its only fair for you to know what I've been working on and also allow those who are interested to learn more about this ongoing project and perhaps even contribute with some thoughts, for that purpose I've created an exclusive discord server you can access with this invitation https://discord.gg/T6jdfcYXZ6

In case you want to support this project you can always either remain subbed or opt for a higher tier, any additional support is always welcome, I'm currently working on a demo version for the first quarter of the VN and will released soon™ for 5€ patrons and up

does this means monthly sequences will be paused again? not at all, I will still work on them however, If I manage to get the patreon goal i've set, I will move a 100% to work on this new VN and things will return to normality once the VN is done and out

for more questions you can get on the discord server, the link is above, you're welcome to share your thoughts!





Amazing!! Can't wait to play it :) (saludos de chile)