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  • vulp.mov



EDIT: fixed the gif cause toon boom's gif export is just terrible sometimes

Beware: some drama ahead.

An animation i made about a year ago. This was a """collab""" with another artist, but their entire contribution was just a sketch that they had already drawn a while ago, which was actually of someone else's character. And they also drew a background, which i didn't use because it was genuinely horrible and had absolutely insane perspective and composition issues (see for yourselves: https://gyazo.com/f807fe8c45e902079f7a1ee7e983711e ) Pointing out the flaws in the background helped little to none, so I ended up doing the background myself. In the end, they did essentially nothing, at least specifically for the collab itself, therefore i think it's only fair for me to claim full ownership of this piece.

Needless to say - the person ended up being an asshole, has harassed my friends multiple times and actually genuinely threatened me personally in DMs because i was "ripping off their idea for a discord server", which was in no way original to begin with. So yeah, i didn't feel comfortable releasing this without their watermark at the time, even somewhat afraid, but now i don't care. I hope you like this little animation, even if it's riddled in this disgusting backstory, peace <3



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