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As Pandory FR3 draws closer, we've been keeping very busy.

You may have seen the photograph of a 9H loading a PC post-boot screen on Facebonk, well that was actually the image of Orange Pi PC, imaged to a microSD.  We found that the H3 board can boot up the system by holding down the root button on the board.

Many systems can now be run on this, however it's not particularly *fast*.  Sonic 2 ran OK, but Tekken 3 ran like a potato.

A cheap harness and Power supply unit was put together to check out the King of Air 2 board.  The internals seem to mimic the DX, and even have the same games on the microSD.  When either the CGA resolution or low resolution VGA mode is selected, it outputs the DX menu, so it could be seen as owning two boards in one.  Kind of.  Will hopefully let you know how it plays in the near future.

In other news...  Wicked Gamer and Collector joined us in the Pandory Pub last weekend.  We also went to a Japanese 7-11 together.  You all are welcome to join us next time-  keep your ears open in the Discord Pandory-Place channel.

Hope you all had a great February,

Thanks for being awesome.

EmuChicken / dajoho


Orange Pi PC on Pandora 9H
Orange Pi on 9H, Tekken 3... Dirt slow
Orange Pi bootup screen. . . Shocking
Cheap Jamma solution
DX and King of Air 2 side by side


Francisco Maio

wooooohw Huge teasing news :D im hyped for the next patch to test it wen you guys release it :D Can i leave here my wish list for next future patches? So here it comes: PG3D background music on menu game list. A way to lock the shortcuts. Sometimes my cat sleeps on the push buttons and mess up stuff on the system settings hehehe. A way to undo or reroll the option "Lock coin and Enter game settings" i had choose and regret it because it is not possible to rollback, and i lost my original system backup. I hope my wish list could be possible to implement on next or a future patch :D I love your work and dedication!