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Hello Beautiful,

I always make some kind of comment about the audio length whenever I make a long audio, so I shall refrain from doing so this time.

Anyway, this one is based off of some suggestions from the Patron poll!

I also tried to read all the responses you sweet folks left about foreplay and take them into consideration whilst creating this audio.

Without spoiling too much, this audio is based around redefining/rediscovering your physical intimacy with your husband with more of a focus on foreplay; though there is some good ol' fashioned penetrative sex.

You haven't been able to get what you'd like out of sex lately, so he's been doing some research and lots of thinking to try to figure out a way to make the intimate moments enjoyable for you once again.

There's lots of me yapping and taking things slow with you, so hopefully you've got an hour to set aside to really take your time with this one.

So! I hope you enjoy this one. I look forward to hearing how your thoughts as always.

Happy Valentine's Day,




This is so intimate and so sweet. 🫠 And the communication! ❤️ Sir, thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That came out amazing!! I love the way you implemented everything from the feedback, and turned it into something sooooo enjoyable! I honestly hope that your partner (if you have one) gets to enjoy this much fun with you! More, I hope! Happy belated Valentine's Day! And thank you, again, for this wonderful treat!