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Hello Beautiful,

As you may have noticed, I've tried to make a more concerted effort this month. I can't promise that I'll always be so productive, but I'm trying to set a better pace for myself.

I should have the last November audio for you in the next coming days.

I thought it might be better for me to ask what you'd like to hear for the next month sooner than usual so that I can have a bit of momentum moving forward.

So! Here you go! Feel free to leave sfw audio suggestions as well.


Also American Thanksgiving is on a Thursday? Canadian holidays are always scheduled for Sundays, so the thought of Thanksgiving coming through in the middle of the week is strange to me. But I digress.

I look forward to reading what you have in mind.

Honey baked ham is mid,




Ham is for Christmas in my opinion. 💁🏻‍♀️


Ham in general is mid and in America, thanksgiving is on the fourth thursday of november so it's always in the middle of the week but it's nice because we get breaks from work and school :)