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Hoy hoy!

Happy March to you and yours.

I just wanted to drop a poll here to get some insight into what kind of audios you'd like to see from me.

Ideally you'd leave concept/tag suggestions that I haven't done before, but if you're really fitting for something specific then I can't fault you for making your voice heard.

I haven't left any suggestions as I have no dog in the race and am open to what y'all have bouncing around in those perverted brains of yours.

Before you do however, it's important to know my own personal hard limits:

Any bathroom type kinks (i.e. water spots, scat, etc.), pegging, race play, and necro. 

Anyway, with all that in mind, here's the link <3


Talk Soon,




Really, I'm down for most of your audios as long as we get that shakily whispered, sexy, "Fuck!" after the kiss. 😍