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Hello Hello!

Happy Holidays, if you're celebrating something this time of year.

If not, happy Friday!

I know the whole "Meeting Your Significant Other's Family For Christmas" trope is so overdone but, I just had to do it.

I had too many ideas for how I'd make my own cheesy hallmark movie-esque audio so here it is.

If you're into cheesy BFE's with some hot sweet rough loving, then you should enjoy this one. 

and also, no spoilers but, for those who don't know what a rocking moose is, this is it.


Your boyfriend, who's pretty cute, if I say so myself, has invited you to his family's Christmas dinner. 

He hasn't been back to his hometown in over half a decade and thinks that this would be a great time to introduce you to everyone.

And even though you yourself are a little nervous, he's certain that they'll all love you as much as he does.

Yeah we're almost there.

No no, I get it.

But, when it comes to partners, all my parents really care about is that we're happy together.

Trust me, you'll be fine.

I have the utmost faith in you.

Shmerry Holidays,






I know I´m late and Christmas all over, but...I just wanna comment on this because this was really, really good. Great story and fantastic story telling/voice acting. It´s like jumping right into it, Could listen to this every day (well, maybe I did due to vacation who knows...). Thank you for this! Have a great and healthy start into the new year!


The singing 😩😩😭😭