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Soundgasm is being a little slow for me tonight so I uploaded this one straight to patreon but I'll have the soundgasm link here as soon as it's up.


I don't know about you, but I love a nice night drive.

Especially when I'm feeling a little stressed or anxious, sometimes a nice drive helps to calm me down.

So, with that in mind, I made an audio in case a nice night drive might be helpful to you as well!

This is a comfort audio that's more about taking your mind off of the stresses of life as opposed to direct and specific calming words/actions to deal with the stress.

I hope this helps bring you a little peace if you need it!


You have a stressful dream and so your sweet boyfriend, who's pretty cute, if I say so myself, suggests you go on a bit of a night drive to calm your nerves.

He even specifically mentions, doing that thing where he plays with your fingers and gently strokes your thigh with his free hand.

So obviously you agree and a sweet little night drive ensues.

Please enjoy,




I did not expect the dialogue in this to be so funny; I have to comment before I’ve even finished it. I immediately imagined a nightmare-worthy version of Chester the Cheetah. Mans is in black air forces and a balaclava, stealing the battery out of somebody’s Kia in the dead of night. The playful banter was done really well here, though. It is both relaxing and sweet, natural and not overdone.




"he looks very fast ....and he's got those sneakers on"